Sandeep Kar
Sandeep Kar
Department of Earth Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
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Cited by
Screening of plant growth-promoting traits in arsenic-resistant bacteria isolated from agricultural soil and their potential implication for arsenic bioremediation
S Das, JS Jean, S Kar, ML Chou, CY Chen
Journal of hazardous materials 272, 112-120, 2014
Arsenic-enriched aquifers: occurrences and mobilization of arsenic in groundwater of Ganges Delta Plain, Barasat, West Bengal, India
S Kar, JP Maity, JS Jean, CC Liu, B Nath, HJ Yang, J Bundschuh
Applied Geochemistry 25 (12), 1805-1814, 2010
Health risks for human intake of aquacultural fish: Arsenic bioaccumulation and contamination
S Kar, JP Maity, JS Jean, CC Liu, CW Liu, J Bundschuh, HY Lu
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 46 (11), 1266-1273, 2011
Naturally occurring arsenic in terrestrial geothermal systems of western Anatolia, Turkey: potential role in contamination of freshwater resources
J Bundschuh, JP Maity, B Nath, A Baba, O Gunduz, TR Kulp, JS Jean, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 262, 951-959, 2013
Human exposure to arsenic through foodstuffs cultivated using arsenic contaminated groundwater in areas of West Bengal, India
AC Samal, S Kar, P Bhattacharya, SC Santra
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 46 (11), 1259-1265, 2011
Effects of gamma irradiation on edible seed protein, amino acids and genomic DNA during sterilization
JP Maity, S Chakraborty, S Kar, S Panja, JS Jean, AC Samal, ...
Food chemistry 114 (4), 1237-1244, 2009
Arsenic-induced health crisis in peri-urban Moyna and Ardebok villages, West Bengal, India: an exposure assessment study
JP Maity, B Nath, S Kar, CY Chen, S Banerjee, JS Jean, MY Liu, ...
Environmental Geochemistry and Health 34, 563-574, 2012
Bioaccessibility and health risk assessment of arsenic in arsenic-enriched soils, Central India
S Das, JS Jean, S Kar
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 92, 252-257, 2013
Metallic components of traffic-induced urban aerosol, their spatial variation, and source apportionment
S Kar, JP Maity, AC Samal, SC Santra
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 168, 561-574, 2010
Identification and discrimination of bacteria using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
JP Maity, S Kar, CM Lin, CY Chen, YF Chang, JS Jean, TR Kulp
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 116, 478-484, 2013
Effect of arsenic contamination on bacterial and fungal biomass and enzyme activities in tropical arsenic-contaminated soils
S Das, JS Jean, S Kar, S Chakraborty
Biology and fertility of soils 49, 757-765, 2013
Arsenic in the water–soil–plant system and the potential health risks in the coastal part of Chianan Plain, Southwestern Taiwan
S Kar, S Das, JS Jean, S Chakraborty, CC Liu
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 77, 295-302, 2013
The potential for reductive mobilization of arsenic [As (V) to As (III)] by OSBH2 (Pseudomonas stutzeri) and OSBH5 (Bacillus cereus) in an oil-contaminated site
JP Maity, S Kar, JH Liu, JS Jean, CY Chen, J Bundschuh, SC Santra, ...
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 46 (11), 1239-1246, 2011
Geochemical characterization of arsenic-affected alluvial aquifers of the Bengal Delta (West Bengal and Bangladesh) and Chianan Plains (SW Taiwan): implications for human health
B Nath, JP Maity, JS Jean, G Birch, S Kar, HJ Yang, MK Lee, R Hazra, ...
Applied Geochemistry 26 (5), 705-713, 2011
Role of organic matter and humic substances in the binding and mobility of arsenic in a Gangetic aquifer
S Kar, JP Maity, JS Jean, CC Liu, B Nath, YC Lee, J Bundschuh, CY Chen, ...
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 46 (11), 1231-1238, 2011
Changes in bacterial community structure and abundance in agricultural soils under varying levels of arsenic contamination
S Das, JS Jean, S Kar, CC Liu
Geomicrobiology Journal 30 (7), 635-644, 2013
Arsenic-enriched groundwaters of India, Bangladesh and Taiwan—Comparison of hydrochemical characteristics and mobility constraints
JP Maity, B Nath, CY Chen, P Bhattacharya, O Sracek, J Bundschuh, ...
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 46 (11), 1163-1176, 2011
Arsenicosis and its relationship with nutritional status in two arsenic affected areas of West Bengal, India
AC Samal, S Kar, JP Maity, SC Santra
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 77, 303-310, 2013
Effects of gamma irradiation on long-storage seeds of Oryza sativa (cv. 2233) and their surface infecting fungal diversity
JP Maity, S Kar, S Banerjee, A Chakraborty, SC Santra
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 78 (11), 1006-1010, 2009
Effects of gamma radiation on fungi infected rice (in vitro)
JP Maity, S Kar, S Banerjee, M Sudershan, A Chakraborty, SC Santra
International Journal of Radiation Biology 87 (11), 1097-1102, 2011
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Articles 1–20