Robert Gleason
Robert Gleason
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North American prairie wetlands are important nonforested land-based carbon storage sites
NH Euliss Jr, RA Gleason, A Olness, RL McDougal, HR Murkin, ...
Science of the Total Environment 361 (1-3), 179-188, 2006
Effects of sediment load on emergence of aquatic invertebrates and plants from wetland soil egg and seed banks
RA Gleason, NH Euliss, DE Hubbard, WG Duffy
Wetlands 23 (1), 26-34, 2003
Valuing ecosystem and economic services across land-use scenarios in the Prairie Pothole Region of the Dakotas, USA
WR Gascoigne, D Hoag, L Koontz, BA Tangen, TL Shaffer, RA Gleason
Ecological Economics 70 (10), 1715-1725, 2011
Sedimentation of prairie wetlands
RA Gleason, NH Euliss Jr
Great Plains Research, 97-112, 1998
USDA conservation program and practice effects on wetland ecosystem services in the Prairie Pothole Region
RA Gleason, NH Euliss Jr, BA Tangen, MK Laubhan, BA Browne
Ecological Applications 21 (sp1), S65-S81, 2011
Ecosystem services derived from wetland conservation practices in the United States Prairie Pothole Region with an emphasis on the US Department of Agriculture Conservation …
RA Gleason, MK Laubhan, NH Euliss Jr, BA Tangen, KE Kermes
US Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia, 2008
Carbon sequestration to mitigate climate change
E Sundquist, R Burruss, S Faulkner, R Gleason, J Harden, Y Kharaka, ...
Fact Sheet, 2008
Greenhouse gas flux from cropland and restored wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region
RA Gleason, BA Tangen, BA Browne, NH Euliss Jr
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41 (12), 2501-2507, 2009
Estimating water storage capacity of existing and potentially restorable wetland depressions in a subbasin of the Red River of the North
RA Gleason, BA Tangen, MK Laubhan, KE Kermes, NH Euliss Jr
USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, 89, 2007
A method for assessing carbon stocks, carbon sequestration, and greenhouse-gas fluxes in ecosystems of the United States under present conditions and future scenarios
BA Bergamaschi, R Bernknopf, D Clow, D Dye, S Faulkner, W Forney, ...
Scientific investigations report, 2010
Effects of land use on greenhouse gas fluxes and soil properties of wetland catchments in the Prairie Pothole Region of North America
BA Tangen, RG Finocchiaro, RA Gleason
Science of the Total Environment 533, 391-409, 2015
Brine contamination to aquatic resources from oil and gas development in the Williston Basin, United States
TL Chesley-Preston, JL Coleman, RA Gleason, SS Haines, KE Jenni, ...
Scientific Investigations Report, 2014
Integrating estimates of ecosystem services from conservation programs and practices into models for decision makers
NH Euliss Jr, LM Smith, S Liu, WG Duffy, SP Faulkner, RA Gleason, ...
Ecological Applications 21 (sp1), S128-S134, 2011
Invertebrate egg banks of restored, natural, and drained wetlands in the prairie pothole region of the United States
RA Gleason, NH Euliss, DE Hubbard, WG Duffy
Wetlands 24 (3), 562-572, 2004
Quantifying greenhouse gas sources and sinks in cropland and grazing land systems
SM Ogle, PR Adler, FJ Breidt, S Del Grosso, J Derner, A Franzluebbers, ...
Quantifying greenhouse gas fluxes in agriculture and forestry: methods for …, 2014
Greenhouse gas fluxes of grazed and hayed wetland catchments in the US Prairie Pothole Ecoregion
R Finocchiaro, B Tangen, R Gleason
Wetlands Ecology and Management 22 (3), 305-324, 2014
Greenhouse gas fluxes of a shallow lake in south-central North Dakota, USA
BA Tangen, RG Finocchiaro, RA Gleason, CF Dahl
Wetlands 36 (4), 779-787, 2016
Chapter D: floodwater storage
RA Gleason, BA Tangen
Ecosystem services derived from wetland conservation practices in the United …, 2008
Invertebrate egg and plant seed banks in natural, restored, and drained wetlands in the prairie pothole region (USA) and potential effects of sedimentation on recolonization of …
RA Gleason
South Dakota State University, 2001
Sediment accretion rates and sediment composition in Prairie Pothole wetlands under varying land use practices, Montana, United States
TM Preston, RS Sojda, RA Gleason
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 68 (3), 199-211, 2013
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