gernot segelbacher
gernot segelbacher
wildlife ecology and management, university freiburg, germany
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Cited by
Genomics and the challenging translation into conservation practice
ABA Shafer, JBW Wolf, PC Alves, L Bergström, MW Bruford, I Brännström, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 30 (2), 78-87, 2015
Applications of landscape genetics in conservation biology: concepts and challenges
G Segelbacher, SA Cushman, BK Epperson, MJ Fortin, O Francois, ...
Conservation genetics 11, 375-385, 2010
Genetic diversity targets and indicators in the CBD post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework must be improved
S Hoban, M Bruford, JDU Jackson, M Lopes-Fernandes, M Heuertz, ...
Biological Conservation 248, 108654, 2020
From connectivity to isolation: genetic consequences of population fragmentation in capercaillie across Europe
G Segelbacher, J Höglund, I Storch
Molecular Ecology 12 (7), 1773-1780, 2003
Noninvasive genetic analysis in birds: testing reliability of feather samples
G Segelbacher
Molecular Ecology Notes 2 (3), 367-369, 2002
Contemporary evolution of reproductive isolation and phenotypic divergence in sympatry along a migratory divide
G Rolshausen, G Segelbacher, KA Hobson, HM Schaefer
Current Biology 19 (24), 2097-2101, 2009
Is it time for synthetic biodiversity conservation?
AJ Piaggio, G Segelbacher, PJ Seddon, L Alphey, EL Bennett, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 32 (2), 97-107, 2017
Post-2020 goals overlook genetic diversity
L Laikre, S Hoban, MW Bruford, G Segelbacher, FW Allendorf, G Gajardo, ...
Science 367 (6482), 1083-1085, 2020
Genetic variation and differentiation in captive and wild zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata)
W Forstmeier, G Segelbacher, JC Mueller, B Kempenaers
Molecular ecology 16 (19), 4039-4050, 2007
Bringing genetic diversity to the forefront of conservation policy and management
SM Hoban, HC Hauffe, S Pérez-Espona, JW Arntzen, G Bertorelle, J Bryja, ...
Conservation Genetics Resources 5, 593-598, 2013
Global commitments to conserving and monitoring genetic diversity are now necessary and feasible
S Hoban, MW Bruford, WC Funk, P Galbusera, MP Griffith, CE Grueber, ...
Bioscience 71 (9), 964-976, 2021
Characterization of microsatellites in capercaillie Tetrao urogallus (AVES).
G Segelbacher, RJ Paxton, G Steinbrück, P Trontelj, I Storch
Molecular Ecology 9 (11), 2000
The bacterial microbiota in the ceca of Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) differs between wild and captive birds
T Wienemann, D Schmitt-Wagner, K Meuser, G Segelbacher, B Schink, ...
Systematic and Applied Microbiology 34 (7), 542-551, 2011
Comparative evaluation of potential indicators and temporal sampling protocols for monitoring genetic erosion
S Hoban, JA Arntzen, MW Bruford, JA Godoy, A Rus Hoelzel, ...
Evolutionary Applications 7 (9), 984-998, 2014
Capercaillie in the Alps: genetic evidence of metapopulation structure and population decline
G Segelbacher, I Storch
Molecular Ecology 11 (9), 1669-1677, 2002
Conservation genetics: Linking science with practice
R Holderegger, N Balkenhol, J Bolliger, JO Engler, F Gugerli, A Hochkirch, ...
Molecular Ecology 28 (17), 3848-3856, 2019
Bloodmeal Analysis Reveals Avian Plasmodium Infections and Broad Host Preferences of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) Vectors
D Santiago-Alarcon, P Havelka, HM Schaefer, G Segelbacher
Plos one 7 (2), e31098, 2012
Lessons learned from microsatellite development for nonmodel organisms using 454 pyrosequencing
CN Schoebel, S Brodbeck, D Buehler, C Cornejo, J Gajurel, ...
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26 (3), 600-611, 2013
Landscape genomics: understanding relationships between environmental heterogeneity and genomic characteristics of populations
N Balkenhol, RY Dudaniec, KV Krutovsky, JS Johnson, DM Cairns, ...
Population genomics: Concepts, approaches and applications, 261-322, 2019
Temporal and spatial analyses disclose consequences of habitat fragmentation on the genetic diversity in capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus)
G Segelbacher, S Manel, J Tomiuk
Molecular ecology 17 (10), 2356-2367, 2008
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Articles 1–20