Gregery T Buzzard
Gregery T Buzzard
Professor of Mathematics, Purdue University
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Plug-and-play priors for bright field electron tomography and sparse interpolation
S Sreehari, SV Venkatakrishnan, B Wohlberg, GT Buzzard, LF Drummy, ...
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 2 (4), 408-423, 2016
Plug-and-play unplugged: Optimization-free reconstruction using consensus equilibrium
GT Buzzard, SH Chan, S Sreehari, CA Bouman
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 11 (3), 2001-2020, 2018
Plug-and-play methods for magnetic resonance imaging: Using denoisers for image recovery
R Ahmad, CA Bouman, GT Buzzard, S Chan, S Liu, ET Reehorst, ...
IEEE signal processing magazine 37 (1), 105-116, 2020
Plug-and-play methods for integrating physical and learned models in computational imaging: Theory, algorithms, and applications
US Kamilov, CA Bouman, GT Buzzard, B Wohlberg
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 40 (1), 85-97, 2023
State and unknown input observers for nonlinear systems with bounded exogenous inputs
A Chakrabarty, MJ Corless, GT Buzzard, SH Żak, AE Rundell
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (11), 5497-5510, 2017
Global sensitivity analysis using sparse grid interpolation and polynomial chaos
GT Buzzard
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 107, 82-89, 2012
Support vector machine informed explicit nonlinear model predictive control using low-discrepancy sequences
A Chakrabarty, V Dinh, MJ Corless, AE Rundell, SH Żak, GT Buzzard
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (1), 135-148, 2016
Modeling mitochondrial bioenergetics with integrated volume dynamics
JN Bazil, GT Buzzard, AE Rundell
PLoS computational biology 6 (1), e1000632, 2010
Variance-based global sensitivity analysis via sparse-grid interpolation and cubature
GT Buzzard, D Xiu
Communications in Computational Physics 9 (3), 542-567, 2011
Infinitely many periodic attractors for holomorphic maps of 2 variables
GT Buzzard
Annals of mathematics, 389-417, 1997
Photon level chemical classification using digital compressive detection
DS Wilcox, GT Buzzard, BJ Lucier, P Wang, D Ben-Amotz
Analytica chimica acta 755, 17-27, 2012
Algebraic surfaces holomorphically dominable by C^ 2
GT Buzzard, S Lu
arXiv preprint math/9903193, 1999
Deep back projection for sparse-view CT reconstruction
DH Ye, GT Buzzard, M Ruby, CA Bouman
2018 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP …, 2018
Digital compressive chemical quantitation and hyperspectral imaging
DS Wilcox, GT Buzzard, BJ Lucier, OG Rehrauer, P Wang, D Ben-Amotz
Analyst 138 (17), 4982-4990, 2013
A framework for dynamic image sampling based on supervised learning
GMDP Godaliyadda, DH Ye, MD Uchic, MA Groeber, GT Buzzard, ...
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 4 (1), 1-16, 2017
Model‐based design of experiments for cellular processes
A Chakrabarty, GT Buzzard, AE Rundell
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine 5 (2), 181-203, 2013
A supervised learning approach for dynamic sampling
GMD Godaliyadda, DH Ye, MD Uchic, MA Groeber, GT Buzzard, ...
Electronic Imaging 28, 1-8, 2016
An embedding of {\bf C} in {\bf C} with hyperbolic complement
GT Buzzard, JE Fornęss
arXiv preprint math/9506211, 1995
Dynamic x-ray diffraction sampling for protein crystal positioning
NM Scarborough, GMDP Godaliyadda, DH Ye, DJ Kissick, S Zhang, ...
Journal of synchrotron radiation 24 (1), 188-195, 2017
State and unknown input observers for nonlinear systems with delayed measurements
A Chakrabarty, E Fridman, SH Żak, GT Buzzard
Automatica 95, 246-253, 2018
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Articles 1–20