António Pascoal
António Pascoal
Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR/IST), LARSyS, Instituto Superior Técnico, Univ Lisboa
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Trajectory tracking for autonomous vehicles: An integrated approach to guidance and control
I Kaminer, A Pascoal, E Hallberg, C Silvestre
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 21 (1), 29-38, 1998
Adaptive, non-singular path-following control of dynamic wheeled robots
D Soetanto, L Lapierre, A Pascoal
42nd IEEE international conference on decision and control (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
Dynamic positioning and way-point tracking of underactuated AUVs in the presence of ocean currents
AP Aguiar, AM Pascoal
International Journal of Control 80 (7), 1092-1108, 2007
Issues, progress and new results in robust adaptive control
S Fekri, M Athans, A Pascoal
International journal of adaptive control and signal processing 20 (10), 519-579, 2006
Combined trajectory tracking and path following: an application to the coordinated control of autonomous marine craft
P Encarnaçao, A Pascoal
Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Cat. No …, 2001
A velocity algorithm for the implementation of gain-scheduled controllers
I Kaminer, AM Pascoal, PP Khargonekar, EE Coleman
Automatica 31 (8), 1185-1191, 1995
3D path following for autonomous underwater vehicle
P Encarnacao, A Pascoal
Proceedings of the 39th IEEE conference on decision and control (Cat. No …, 2000
Challenges and future trends in marine robotics
E Zereik, M Bibuli, N Mišković, P Ridao, A Pascoal
Annual Reviews in Control 46, 350-368, 2018
Coordinated path-following in the presence of communication losses and time delays
R Ghabcheloo, AP Aguiar, A Pascoal, C Silvestre, I Kaminer, J Hespanha
SIAM journal on control and optimization 48 (1), 234-265, 2009
Nonlinear path following with applications to the control of autonomous underwater vehicles
L Lapierre, D Soetanto, A Pascoal
42nd IEEE international conference on decision and control (IEEE cat. no …, 2003
Environmental monitoring using autonomous vehicles: a survey of recent searching techniques
B Bayat, N Crasta, A Crespi, AM Pascoal, A Ijspeert
Current opinion in biotechnology 45, 76-84, 2017
Robotic ocean vehicles for marine science applications: the european asimov project
A Pascoal, P Oliveira, C Silvestre, L Sebastião, M Rufino, V Barroso, ...
OCEANS 2000 MTS/IEEE Conference and Exhibition. Conference Proceedings (Cat …, 2000
Path following for small unmanned aerial vehicles using L1 adaptive augmentation of commercial autopilots
I Kaminer, A Pascoal, E Xargay, N Hovakimyan, C Cao, V Dobrokhodov
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 33 (2), 550-564, 2010
Underwater acoustic positioning systems based on buoys with GPS
A Alcocer, P Oliveira, A Pascoal
Proceedings of the Eighth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics 8, 1-8, 2006
Vehicle and mission control of the DELFIM autonomous surface craft
J Alves, P Oliveira, R Oliveira, A Pascoal, M Rufino, L Sebastiao, ...
2006 14th mediterranean conference on control and automation, 1-6, 2006
Study and implementation of an EKF GIB-based underwater positioning system
A Alcocer, P Oliveira, A Pascoal
Control engineering practice 15 (6), 689-701, 2007
Cooperative control of multiple surface vessels in the presence of ocean currents and parametric model uncertainty
J Almeida, C Silvestre, A Pascoal
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 20 (14), 1549-1565, 2010
Path following for autonomous marine craft
P Encarnacao, A Pascoal, M Arcak
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 33 (21), 117-122, 2000
Range-based underwater vehicle localization in the presence of unknown ocean currents: Theory and experiments
M Bayat, N Crasta, AP Aguiar, AM Pascoal
IEEE Transactions on control systems technology 24 (1), 122-139, 2015
Depth control of the INFANTE AUV using gain-scheduled reduced order output feedback
C Silvestre, A Pascoal
Control Engineering Practice 15 (7), 883-895, 2007
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Articles 1–20