John R Dymond
John R Dymond
Principal scientist, Landcare Research
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Cited by
Indigenous Māori knowledge and perspectives of ecosystems
GR Harmsworth, S Awatere
Ecosystem services in New Zealand—conditions and trends. Manaaki Whenua …, 2013
Soil microbes and their contribution to soil services
J Aislabie, JR Deslippe, J Dymond
Ecosystem services in New Zealand–conditions and trends. Manaaki Whenua …, 2013
Wetland ecosystem services
D De Groot, L Brander, CM Finlayson
The Wetland book: I: Structure and function, management, and methods, 323-333, 2018
Estimation of timber volume in a coniferous plantation forest using Landsat TM
CM Trotter, JR Dymond, CJ Goulding
International Journal of Remote Sensing 18 (10), 2209-2223, 1997
Correcting satellite imagery for the variance of reflectance and illumination with topography
JD Shepherd, JR Dymond
International Journal of Remote Sensing 24 (17), 3503-3514, 2003
Percentage vegetation cover of a degrading rangeland from SPOT
JR Dymond, PR Stephens, PF Newsome, RH Wilde
International journal of remote sensing 13 (11), 1999-2007, 1992
Ecosystem services of lakes
M Schallenberg, MD de Winton, P Verburg, DJ Kelly, KD Hamill, ...
Ecosystem services in New Zealand: conditions and trends. Manaaki Whenua …, 2013
An environmental domain classification of New Zealand and its use as a tool for biodiversity management
JR Leathwick, JMC Overton, M McLeod
Conservation biology 17 (6), 1612-1623, 2003
Sediment budget to assess the geomorphic effect of a cyclonic storm, New Zealand
MJ Page, NA Trustrum, JR Dymond
Geomorphology 9 (3), 169-188, 1994
Validation of a region-wide model of landslide susceptibility in the Manawatu–Wanganui region of New Zealand
JR Dymond, AG Ausseil, JD Shepherd, L Buettner
Geomorphology 74 (1-4), 70-79, 2006
The many uses and values of estuarine ecosystems
SF Thrush, M Townsend, JE Hewitt, K Davies, AM Lohrer, C Lundquist, ...
Ecosystem services in New Zealand–conditions and trends. Manaaki Whenua …, 2013
An erosion model for evaluating regional land-use scenarios
JR Dymond, HD Betts, CS Schierlitz
Environmental Modelling & Software 25 (3), 289-298, 2010
Erosion processes and their control in New Zealand
LR Basher
Ecosystem services in New Zealand–conditions and trends 2013, 363-374, 2013
Tradeoffs between soil, water, and carbon–a national scale analysis from New Zealand
JR Dymond, AGE Ausseil, JC Ekanayake, MUF Kirschbaum
Journal of Environmental Management 95 (1), 124-131, 2012
Correction of the topographic effect in remote sensing
JR Dymond, JD Shepherd
IEEE Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 37 (5), 2618-2619, 1999
Assessment of multiple ecosystem services in New Zealand at the catchment scale
AGE Ausseil, JR Dymond, MUF Kirschbaum, RM Andrew, RL Parfitt
Environmental Modelling & Software 43, 37-48, 2013
Automated mapping of land components from digital elevation data
JR Dymond, RC Derose, GR Harmsworth
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 20 (2), 131-137, 1995
River water quality in New Zealand: an introduction and overview
RJ Davies-Colley
Ecosystem services in New Zealand: conditions and trends. Manaaki Whenua …, 2013
Nitrate and phosphorus leaching in New Zealand: a national perspective
JR Dymond, AGE Ausseil, RL Parfitt, A Herzig, RW McDowell
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 56 (1), 49-59, 2013
Soil erosion in New Zealand is a net sink of CO2
JR Dymond
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 35 (15), 1763-1772, 2010
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Articles 1–20