Luis Lopez Sangil
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Cited by
Sequential chemical extractions of the mineral-associated soil organic matter: An integrated approach for the fractionation of organo-mineral complexes
L Lopez-Sangil, P Rovira
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 62, 57-67, 2013
Soil CO2 efflux and extractable organic carbon fractions under simulated precipitation events in a Mediterranean Dehesa
P Casals, C Gimeno, A Carrara, L Lopez-Sangil, MJ Sanz
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41 (9), 1915-1922, 2009
Autotrophic and heterotrophic contributions to short‐term soil CO2 efflux following simulated summer precipitation pulses in a Mediterranean dehesa
P Casals, L Lopez‐Sangil, A Carrara, C Gimeno, S Nogués
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 25 (3), 2011
Tropical forest soil carbon stocks do not increase despite 15 years of doubled litter inputs
EJ Sayer, L Lopez-Sangil, JA Crawford, LM Bréchet, AJ Birkett, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 18030, 2019
Revisiting nutrient cycling by litterfall—Insights from 15 years of litter manipulation in old-growth lowland tropical forest
EJ Sayer, C Rodtassana, M Sheldrake, LM Brechet, OS Ashford, ...
Advances in ecological research 62, 173-223, 2020
Rhizodeposition of organic carbon by plants with contrasting traits for resource acquisition: responses to different fertility regimes
F Baptist, I Aranjuelo, N Legay, L Lopez-Sangil, G Molero, P Rovira, ...
Plant and Soil 394, 391-406, 2015
Drying and rewetting conditions differentially affect the mineralization of fresh plant litter and extant soil organic matter
L Lopez-Sangil, IP Hartley, P Rovira, P Casals, EJ Sayer
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 124, 81-89, 2018
Altered litter inputs modify carbon and nitrogen storage in soil organic matter in a lowland tropical forest
EJ Sayer, C Baxendale, AJ Birkett, LM Bréchet, B Castro, ...
Biogeochemistry 156, 115-130, 2021
Distinct responses of soil respiration to experimental litter manipulation in temperate woodland and tropical forest
LM Bréchet, L Lopez‐Sangil, C George, AJ Birkett, C Baxendale, ...
Ecology and Evolution 8 (7), 3787-3796, 2018
Microbial growth rate measurements reveal that land-use abandonment promotes a fungal dominance of SOM decomposition in grazed Mediterranean ecosystems
L Lopez-Sangil, J Rousk, H Wallander, P Casals
Biology and Fertility of Soils 47, 129-138, 2011
The Automated Root Exudate System (ARES): a method to apply solutes at regular intervals to soils in the field
L Lopez‐Sangil, C George, E Medina‐Barcenas, AJ Birkett, C Baxendale, ...
Methods in ecology and evolution 8 (9), 1042-1050, 2017
Decay and vertical reallocation of organic C, and its incorporation into carbonates, in agricultural soil horizons at two different depths and rewetting frequencies
L Lopez-Sangil, P Rovira, P Casals
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 61, 33-44, 2013
Assessing nitrous oxide emissions in time and space with minimal uncertainty using static chambers and eddy covariance from a temperate grassland
RM Murphy, KG Richards, DJ Krol, AW Gebremichael, L Lopez-Sangil, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 313, 108743, 2022
Individual closed chamber: an alternative method for quantifying 14C in both labeled organic and inorganic carbon substrates
L Lopez-Sangil, P Rovira
Biogeochemistry 112, 139-148, 2013
Phosphorus in farm roadway substrates: contrasting spatial and temporal patterns in dairy and beef farms
LS Sifundza, JG Murnane, K Daly, L Lopez-Sangil, S Leach, P Tuohy, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 12, 1405378, 2024
Relative and absolute difference in soil organic carbon stocks in grassland soils in Ireland: Impact of rock fragments, bulk density and calculation methods
O Fenton, G Bondi, CJ Bracken, L O'Sullivan, L Lopez-Sangil, P Tuohy, ...
Geoderma Regional 36, e00769, 2024
Carbono orgánico y actividad microbiana en suelos mediterráneos: efecto de la frecuencia de lluvias o del abandono silvopastoral
LL Sangil
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Articles 1–17