James B Graham
James B Graham
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Regeneration of axons after nerve transection repair is enhanced by degradation of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan
J Zuo, D Neubauer, J Graham, CA Krekoski, TA Ferguson, D Muir
Experimental neurology 176 (1), 221-228, 2002
Chondroitinase treatment increases the effective length of acellular nerve grafts
D Neubauer, JB Graham, D Muir
Experimental neurology 207 (1), 163-170, 2007
Metalloproteinase-dependent predegeneration in vitro enhances axonal regeneration within acellular peripheral nerve grafts
CA Krekoski, D Neubauer, JB Graham, D Muir
Journal of Neuroscience 22 (23), 10408-10415, 2002
Tissue‐engineered peripheral nerve interfaces
BS Spearman, VH Desai, S Mobini, MD McDermott, JB Graham, KJ Otto, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (12), 1701713, 2018
Bearing capacity of three closely-spaced footings on sand
J Graham, GP Raymond, A Suppiah
Geotechnique 34 (2), 173-181, 1984
Chondroitinase applied to peripheral nerve repair averts retrograde axonal regeneration
JB Graham, D Neubauer, QS Xue, D Muir
Experimental neurology 203 (1), 185-195, 2007
Nerve grafts with various sensory and motor fiber compositions are equally effective for the repair of a mixed nerve defect
D Neubauer, JB Graham, D Muir
Experimental neurology 223 (1), 203-206, 2010
Stress characteristics for bearing capacity in sand using a critical state model
J Graham, JM Hovan
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 23 (2), 195-202, 1986
Chondroitinase C selectively degrades chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycans that inhibit axonal growth within the endoneurium of peripheral nerve
JB Graham, D Muir
PLoS One 11 (12), e0167682, 2016
Design, fabrication, and characterization of a scalable tissue-engineered-electronic-nerve-interface (TEENI) device
VH Desai, BS Spearman, CS Shafor, S Natt, B Teem, JB Graham, ...
2017 8th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 203-206, 2017
Nerve repair with a hydrogel and adhesive
DF Muir, JB Graham, D Neubauer
US Patent 9,386,990, 2016
A chondroitinase-treated, decellularized nerve allograft compares favorably to the cellular isograft in rat peripheral nerve repair
JB Graham, QS Xue, D Neubauer, D Muir
J Neurodegen Regen 2, 19-29, 2009
Implantation methodology development for tissue-engineered-electronic-neural-interface (TEENI) devices
EA Nunamaker, BS Spearman, JB Graham, EW Atkinson, VH Desai, ...
2017 8th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 271-274, 2017
Histological evaluation of chronically implanted tissue-engineered-electronic-neural-interface (TEENI) devices
JB Graham, EW Atkinson, EA Nunamaker, BS Spearman, VH Desai, ...
2017 8th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 275-278, 2017
Neural Interfaces: Tissue‐Engineered Peripheral Nerve Interfaces (Adv. Funct. Mater. 12/2018)
BS Spearman, VH Desai, S Mobini, MD McDermott, JB Graham, KJ Otto, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 12 (28), n/a-n/a, 2018
Chondroitinase c enhances nerve regeneration by selectively degrading proteoglycans within the peripheral nerve fascicle
JB Graham II
University of Florida, 2015
Material Characterization, Analysis and Geotechnical Performance of Engineered Structures in Sand and Clay
J Graham
Résolution par la méthode des caractéristiques des contraintes du problème de butée dans un sable décrit par le modèle «état critique»
JM Hovan, J Graham
Revue française de géotechnique, 5-16, 1986
Some experimental studies concerning the contact stresses beneath interfering rigid strip foundations resting on a granular stratum: Discussion
J Graham, GP Raymond
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 21 (2), 384-385, 1984
Mechanically-tunable Extracellular Matrix Hydrogel Scaffold for Use in a Tissue-Engineered Electronic Nerve Interface (TEENI)
BS Spearman, RA Wachs, VH Desai, CS Shafor, JB Graham, ...
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