David M. Greenberg (Yeshaya David)
David M. Greenberg (Yeshaya David)
Other namesYeshaya David, Yeshaya David M. Greenberg, David M. Greenberg
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Cited by
Openness to experience
RR McCrae, DM Greenberg
The Wiley handbook of genius, 222-243, 2014
Resilience, COVID-19-related stress, anxiety and depression during the pandemic in a large population enriched for healthcare providers
R Barzilay, TM Moore, DM Greenberg, GE DiDomenico, LA Brown, ...
Translational psychiatry 10 (1), 291, 2020
Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender and gender-diverse individuals
V Warrier, DM Greenberg, E Weir, C Buckingham, P Smith, MC Lai, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 3959, 2020
Testing the empathizing–systemizing theory of sex differences and the extreme male brain theory of autism in half a million people
DM Greenberg, V Warrier, C Allison, S Baron-Cohen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (48), 12152-12157, 2018
Elevated empathy in adults following childhood trauma
DM Greenberg, S Baron-Cohen, N Rosenberg, P Fonagy, PJ Rentfrow
PLoS one 13 (10), e0203886, 2018
Association among income loss, financial strain and depressive symptoms during COVID-19: evidence from two longitudinal studies
N Hertz-Palmor, TM Moore, D Gothelf, GE DiDomenico, I Dekel, ...
Journal of affective disorders 291, 1-8, 2021
The song is you: Preferences for musical attribute dimensions reflect personality
DM Greenberg, M Kosinski, DJ Stillwell, BL Monteiro, DJ Levitin, ...
Social Psychological and Personality Science 7 (6), 597-605, 2016
Musical preferences are linked to cognitive styles
DM Greenberg, S Baron-Cohen, DJ Stillwell, M Kosinski, PJ Rentfrow
PloS one 10 (7), e0131151, 2015
Musical preferences predict personality: Evidence from active listening and Facebook likes
G Nave, J Minxha, DM Greenberg, M Kosinski, D Stillwell, J Rentfrow
Psychological science 29 (7), 1145-1158, 2018
Mentalized affectivity: A new model and assessment of emotion regulation
DM Greenberg, J Kolasi, CP Hegsted, Y Berkowitz, EL Jurist
PloS one 12 (10), e0185264, 2017
“Just the way you are”: Linking music listening on Spotify and personality
I Anderson, S Gil, C Gibson, S Wolf, W Shapiro, O Semerci, ...
Social Psychological and Personality Science 12 (4), 561-572, 2021
Can music increase empathy? Interpreting musical experience through the empathizing–systemizing (ES) theory: Implications for autism
DM Greenberg, PJ Rentfrow, S Baron-Cohen
Empirical Musicology Review 10 (1-2), 80-95, 2015
“Help! I need somebody”: music as a global resource for obtaining wellbeing goals in times of crisis
R Granot, DH Spitz, BR Cherki, P Loui, R Timmers, RS Schaefer, ...
Frontiers in psychology 12, 648013, 2021
Music and big data: a new frontier
DM Greenberg, PJ Rentfrow
Current opinion in behavioral sciences 18, 50-56, 2017
Personality predicts musical sophistication
DM Greenberg, D Müllensiefen, ME Lamb, PJ Rentfrow
Journal of Research in Personality 58, 154-158, 2015
Sex and age differences in “theory of mind” across 57 countries using the English version of the “Reading the Mind in the Eyes” Test
DM Greenberg, V Warrier, A Abu-Akel, C Allison, KZ Gajos, K Reinecke, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (1), e2022385119, 2023
Association between urban greenspace and mental wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic in a US cohort
JD Wortzel, DJ Wiebe, GE DiDomenico, E Visoki, E South, V Tam, ...
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 3, 686159, 2021
The social neuroscience of music: Understanding the social brain through human song.
DM Greenberg, J Decety, I Gordon
American Psychologist 76 (7), 1172, 2021
Universals and variations in musical preferences: A study of preferential reactions to Western music in 53 countries.
DM Greenberg, SJ Wride, DA Snowden, D Spathis, J Potter, PJ Rentfrow
Journal of personality and social psychology 122 (2), 286, 2022
The self-congruity effect of music.
DM Greenberg, SC Matz, HA Schwartz, KR Fricke
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 121 (1), 137, 2021
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Articles 1–20