Wei Chen
Wei Chen
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Cited by
Jointly modeling deep video and compositional text to bridge vision and language in a unified framework
R Xu, C Xiong, W Chen, JJ Corso
AAAI, 2015
A novel algorithm for view and illumination invariant image matching
Y Yu, K Huang, W Chen, T Tan
IEEE transactions on image processing 21 (1), 229-240, 2011
Actionness ranking with lattice conditional ordinal random fields
W Chen, C Xiong, R Xu, JJ Corso
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2014
Efficient object tracking by incremental self-tuning particle filtering on the affine group
M Li, T Tan, W Chen, K Huang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 21 (3), 1298-1313, 2011
Action detection by implicit intentional motion clustering
W Chen, JJ Corso
Seeing is worse than believing: Reading people’s minds better than computer-vision methods recognize actions
A Barbu, DP Barrett, W Chen, N Siddharth, C Xiong, JJ Corso, ...
ECCV, 2014
Continuously tracking objects across multiple widely separated cameras
Y Cai, W Chen, K Huang, T Tan
Computer Vision–ACCV 2007: 8th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Tokyo …, 2007
A Probabilistic Framework Based on KDE-GMM hybrid model for moving object segmentation in dynamic scenes
Z Liu, W Chen, K Huang, T Tan
The Eighth International Workshop on Visual Surveillance-VS2008, 2008
Adaptive Quantization for Hashing: An Information-Based Approach to Learning Binary Codes
C Xiong, W Chen, G Chen, D Johnson, JJ Corso
SDM, 2014
Partial least squares based subwindow search for pedestrian detection
J Wu, W Chen, K Huang, T Tan
2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 3565-3568, 2011
Compositional structure learning for action understanding
R Xu, G Chen, C Xiong, W Chen, JJ Corso
arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.5861, 2014
Clustering based fast low-rank approximation for large-scale graph
W Chen, M Shao, Y Fu
2011 IEEE 11th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, 787-792, 2011
Multi-target tracking by learning class-specific and instance-specific cues
M Li, W Chen, K Huang, T Tan
Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 67-81, 2010
Action Bank for Large-Scale Action Classification
W Chen, R Xu, JJ Corso
THUMOS: ICCV Workshop on Action Recognition with a Large Number of Classes, 2013
A convergent solution to two dimensional linear discriminant analysis
W Chen, K Huang, T Tan, D Tao
2009 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 4133-4136, 2009
Visual tracking via incremental self-tuning particle filtering on the affine group
M Li, W Chen, K Huang, T Tan
2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2010
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Articles 1–16