Eva Fjällström
Eva Fjällström
PhD student of English and Education, Luleå University of Technology
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Zitiert von
Resisting focalisation, gaining empathy: Swedish teenagers read Irish fiction
E Fjällström, L Kokkola
Children's literature in education 46, 394-409, 2015
Film and streaming media as resources in English Teaching
E Fjällström
Graph-theoretic approaches and tools for quantitatively assessing curricula coherence
D Varagnolo, S Knorn, K Staffas, E Fjällström, T Wrigstad
European journal of engineering education 46 (3), 344-363, 2021
Quantitative analysis of curricula coherence using directed graphs
S Knorn, D Varagnolo, K Staffas, T Wrigstad, E Fjällström
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (9), 318-323, 2019
Creativity and cognition in fiction by teenage learners of English
L Kokkola, U Rydström
Language and Literature 31 (1), 99-118, 2022
Developing concept inventory tests for electrical engineering: extractable information, early results, and learned lessons
E Fjällström, S Knorn, K Staffas, D Varagnolo
2018 UKACC 12th International Conference on Control (CONTROL), 436-441, 2018
The high school shooting at Columbine seen from Francie Brady´ s perspective
E Fjällström
Courses-Concepts-Graphs As a tool to measure the importance of concepts in university programmes
E Fjällström, C Forsberg, F Trulsson, S Knorn, K Staffas, D Varagnolo, ...
2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC), 3076-3083, 2019
Emeralds, rubies and gems of reader engagement
E Fjällström
19th European Conference on Literacy in Klagenfurt, Austria, 13–16 July 2015, 2015
Creating a quantitative basis for course and program development in higher education-: a report from field tests
E Fjällström, K Atta, S Knorn, F Sandin, G Sas, K Staffas, A Teixeira, ...
7th Development Conference for Swedish Engineering Education, Luleå …, 2019
Developing Concept Inventory Tests for Electrical Engineering (CITE): extractable information, early results, and learned lessons
E Fjällström, S Knorn, K Staffas, D Varagnolo
12th UKACC International Conference on Control, 5-7 September, 2018 …, 2018
Aesthetic and efferent reading in the EFL classroom
E Fjällström
AFinLAs höstsymposium 2015, Helsingfors, 13-14.11 2015, 2015
Cultural understanding and cultural bumbs in Swedish Adolescents' responses to Rushdie's Good Advice is Rarer than Rubies
E Fjällström
National Forum for English Studies, Luleå, 20-22 May 2015, 2015
La Casa delle Meraviglie, La Emme Edizioni di Rosellina Archinto.[The House of Wonders: Emme Edizoni by Rosellina Archinto]. Loredana Farina, ed. Milan: Topi Pittori, 2013. 197 …
E Fjällström
English teaching and the influence of gender
E Fjällström
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