Peng Chen
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Cited by
Who Left Riding Transit? Socioeconomic Disparities in Impact of COVID-19 on Ridership
S Hu, P Chen
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2021
Factors affecting car ownership and mode choice in rail transit-supported suburbs of a large Chinese city
Qing Shen, Peng Chen, Haixiao Pan
Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice, 2016
Built environment factors in explaining the automobile involved bicycle crash frequencies: a spatial statistic approach
P Chen
Safety Science, 2015
Estimating built environment effects on cyclist injury severity in automobile involved bicycle crashes
Peng Chen, Qing Shen
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2016
Promoting public bike-sharing: A lesson from the unsuccessful Pronto system
JJ Feiyang Sun, Peng Chen
Transportation Research Part D:Transport and Environment, 2018
Non-linear effects of the built environment on automobile-involved pedestrian crash frequency: a machine learning approach
P Chen, C Ding, J Jiao
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2018
Effects of the built environment on automobile-involved pedestrian crash frequency and risk
P Chen, J Zhou
Journal of Transport & Health 3 (4), 448-456, 2016
A GPS data-based analysis of built environment influences on bicyclist route preferences
P Chen, Q Shen, S Childress
International journal of sustainable transportation 12 (3), 218-231, 2018
Promoting carsharing attractiveness and efficiency: an exploratory analysis
XC Songhua Hu, Peng Chen, Hangfei Lin, Chi Xie
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2018
Built environment determinants of bicycle volume: a longitudinal analysis
C Peng, Z Jiangping, S Feiyang
Journal of Transport and Land Use, 2017
How to make dockless bikeshare good for cities: curbing oversupplied bikes
Y Tu, P Chen, G Xu, Y Jiawen, C Xiaohong
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2019
Bicycle parking security and built environments
P Chen, Q Liu, F Sun
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 62, 169-178, 2018
A panel analysis of the effect of the urban environment on the spatiotemporal pattern of taxi demand
PC Qian Liu, Chuan Ding
Travel Behaviour and Society, 2020
Personalized Incentive-Based Peak Avoidance and Drivers' Travel Time-Savings
YT Tianhao Li, Peng Chen
Transport Policy, 2020
Identifying high-risk built environments for severe bicycling injuries
P Chen, Q Shen
Journal of Safety Research, 2019
Built environment effects on bike crash frequency and risk in Beijing
P Chen, F Sun, Z Wang, X Gao, J Jiao, Z Tao
Journal of safety research 64, 135-143, 2018
How does ‘park and ride’ perform? An evaluation using longitudinal data
CB Xinwei Zhao, Peng Chen, Junfeng Jiao, Xiaohong Chen
Transport Policy, 2019
Exploring the effect of battery capacity on electric vehicle sharing programs using a simulation approach
S Hu, P Chen, F Xin, C Xie
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 77 (12), 164-177, 2019
Promoting active student travel: A longitudinal study
CB Peng Chen , Junfeng Jiao , Mengyuan Xu , Xu Gao
Journal of Transport Geography, 2018
How does parking interplay with the built environment and affect automobile commuting in high-density cities? A case study in China
Qian Liu, James Jixian Wang, Peng Chen, Zuopeng Xiao
Urban Studies, 2016
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Articles 1–20