A future land use simulation model (FLUS) for simulating multiple land use scenarios by coupling human and natural effects X Liu, X Liang, X Li, X Xu, J Ou, Y Chen, S Li, S Wang, F Pei Landscape and urban planning 168, 94-116, 2017 | 1487 | 2017 |
Annual maps of global artificial impervious area (GAIA) between 1985 and 2018 P Gong, X Li, J Wang, Y Bai, B Chen, T Hu, X Liu, B Xu, J Yang, W Zhang, ... Remote Sensing of Environment 236, 111510, 2020 | 881 | 2020 |
Global projections of future urban land expansion under shared socioeconomic pathways G Chen, X Li, X Liu, Y Chen, X Liang, J Leng, X Xu, W Liao, Y Qiu, Q Wu, ... Nature communications 11 (1), 537, 2020 | 726 | 2020 |
High-spatiotemporal-resolution mapping of global urban change from 1985 to 2015 X Liu, Y Huang, X Xu, X Li, X Li, P Ciais, P Lin, K Gong, AD Ziegler, ... Nature Sustainability 3 (7), 564-570, 2020 | 653 | 2020 |
High-resolution multi-temporal mapping of global urban land using Landsat images based on the Google Earth Engine Platform X Liu, G Hu, Y Chen, X Li, X Xu, S Li, F Pei, S Wang Remote sensing of environment 209, 227-239, 2018 | 653 | 2018 |
A deeply supervised attention metric-based network and an open aerial image dataset for remote sensing change detection Q Shi, M Liu, S Li, X Liu, F Wang, L Zhang IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 60, 1-16, 2021 | 647 | 2021 |
A new landscape index for quantifying urban expansion using multi-temporal remotely sensed data X Liu, X Li, Y Chen, Z Tan, S Li, B Ai Landscape ecology 25, 671-682, 2010 | 509 | 2010 |
Mapping global urban boundaries from the global artificial impervious area (GAIA) data X Li, P Gong, Y Zhou, J Wang, Y Bai, B Chen, T Hu, Y Xiao, B Xu, J Yang, ... Environmental Research Letters 15 (9), 094044, 2020 | 458 | 2020 |
Delineating multi-scenario urban growth boundaries with a CA-based FLUS model and morphological method X Liang, X Liu, X Li, Y Chen, H Tian, Y Yao Landscape and urban planning 177, 47-63, 2018 | 458 | 2018 |
Sensing spatial distribution of urban land use by integrating points-of-interest and Google Word2Vec model Y Yao, X Li, X Liu, P Liu, Z Liang, J Zhang, K Mai International Journal of Geographical Information Science 31 (4), 825-848, 2017 | 458 | 2017 |
Examining the impacts of socioeconomic factors, urban form, and transportation networks on CO2 emissions in China’s megacities S Wang, X Liu, C Zhou, J Hu, J Ou Applied energy 185, 189-200, 2017 | 407 | 2017 |
A new global land-use and land-cover change product at a 1-km resolution for 2010 to 2100 based on human–environment interactions X Li, G Chen, X Liu, X Liang, S Wang, Y Chen, F Pei, X Xu Annals of the American Association of Geographers 107 (5), 1040-1059, 2017 | 405 | 2017 |
Global impacts of future urban expansion on terrestrial vertebrate diversity G Li, C Fang, Y Li, Z Wang, S Sun, S He, W Qi, C Bao, H Ma, Y Fan, ... Nature communications 13 (1), 1628, 2022 | 385 | 2022 |
Classifying urban land use by integrating remote sensing and social media data X Liu, J He, Y Yao, J Zhang, H Liang, H Wang, Y Hong International Journal of Geographical Information Science 31 (8), 1675-1696, 2017 | 359 | 2017 |
Projecting global urban land expansion and heat island intensification through 2050 K Huang, X Li, X Liu, KC Seto Environmental Research Letters 14 (11), 114037, 2019 | 350 | 2019 |
Urban heat island: Aerodynamics or imperviousness? D Li, W Liao, AJ Rigden, X Liu, D Wang, S Malyshev, E Shevliakova Science Advances 5 (4), eaau4299, 2019 | 324 | 2019 |
Simulating urban growth by integrating landscape expansion index (LEI) and cellular automata X Liu, L Ma, X Li, B Ai, S Li, Z He International Journal of Geographical Information Science 28 (1), 148-163, 2014 | 294 | 2014 |
Global urban expansion offsets climate-driven increases in terrestrial net primary productivity X Liu, F Pei, Y Wen, X Li, S Wang, C Wu, Y Cai, J Wu, J Chen, K Feng, ... Nature communications 10 (1), 5558, 2019 | 291 | 2019 |
Urban growth simulation by incorporating planning policies into a CA-based future land-use simulation model X Liang, X Liu, D Li, H Zhao, G Chen International Journal of Geographical Information Science 32 (11), 2294-2316, 2018 | 288 | 2018 |
Modeling urban land-use dynamics in a fast developing city using the modified logistic cellular automaton with a patch-based simulation strategy Y Chen, X Li, X Liu, B Ai International Journal of Geographical Information Science 28 (2), 234-255, 2014 | 272 | 2014 |