James D. L. White
Cited by
Cited by
Primary volcaniclastic rocks
JDL White, BF Houghton
Geology 34 (8), 677-680, 2006
Peperite: a review of magma–sediment mingling
IP Skilling, JDL White, J McPhie
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 114 (1-2), 1-17, 2002
Maar-diatreme volcanoes: a review
JDL White, PS Ross
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 201 (1-4), 1-29, 2011
Variation in peperite textures associated with differing host-sediment properties
CJ Busby-Spera, JDL White
Bulletin of Volcanology 49, 765-776, 1987
Maar-diatreme phreatomagmatism at Hopi Buttes, Navajo Nation (Arizona), USA
JDL White
Bulletin of Volcanology 53, 239-258, 1991
Peperite: a useful genetic term
JDL White, J McPhie, I Skilling
Bulletin of Volcanology 62, 65-66, 2000
Subaqueous eruption-fed density currents and their deposits
JDL White
Precambrian Research 101 (2-4), 87-109, 2000
Impure coolants and interaction dynamics of phreatomagmatic eruptions
JDL White
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 74 (3-4), 155-170, 1996
Cenozoic intraplate volcanism on New Zealand: Upwelling induced by lithospheric removal
K Hoernle, JDL White, P van den Bogaard, F Hauff, DS Coombs, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 248 (1-2), 350-367, 2006
Revised conceptual model for maar-diatremes: Subsurface processes, energetics, and eruptive products
GA Valentine, JDL White
Geology 40 (12), 1111-1114, 2012
Mafic volcaniclastic deposits in flood basalt provinces: a review
PS Ross, IU Peate, MK McClintock, YG Xu, IP Skilling, JDL White, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 145 (3-4), 281-314, 2005
Temporal and geochemical evolution of the Cenozoic intraplate volcanism of Zealandia
C Timm, K Hoernle, R Werner, F Hauff, P van den Bogaard, J White, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 98 (1-2), 38-64, 2010
Surtseyan and related phreatomagmatic eruptions
JDL White, B Houghton
Encyclopedia of volcanoes, 495-511, 2000
Pre-emergent construction of a lacustrine basaltic volcano, Pahvant Butte, Utah (USA)
JDL White
Bulletin of Volcanology 58, 249-262, 1996
Debris jets in continental phreatomagmatic volcanoes: a field study of their subterranean deposits in the Coombs Hills vent complex, Antarctica
PS Ross, JDL White
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 149 (1-2), 62-84, 2006
Submarine lavas and hyaloclastite
R Batiza, JDL White, H Sigurdsson
Encyclopedia of volcanoes, 361-381, 2000
The chemically zoned 1949 eruption on La Palma (Canary Islands): Petrologic evolution and magma supply dynamics of a rift zone eruption
A Klügel, KA Hoernle, HU Schmincke, JDL White
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105 (B3), 5997-6016, 2000
On the fate of pumice rafts formed during the 2012 Havre submarine eruption
M Jutzeler, R Marsh, RJ Carey, JDL White, PJ Talling, L Karlstrom
Nature communications 5 (1), 3660, 2014
Hazard perceptions and preparedness of Taranaki youth
KK Finnis, DM Johnston, KR Ronan, JD White
Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 19 (2), 175-184, 2010
Immense vent complex marks flood-basalt eruption in a wet, failed rift: Coombs Hills, Antarctica
JDL White, MK McClintock
Geology 29 (10), 935-938, 2001
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Articles 1–20