Dohyung Kim
Cited by
Cited by
The transportation safety of elderly pedestrians: Modeling contributing factors to elderly pedestrian collisions
D Kim
Accident Analysis & Prevention 131, 268-274, 2019
Sustainable mobility: Longitudinal analysis of built environment on transit ridership
D Kim, Y Ahn, S Choi, K Kim
Sustainability 8 (10), 1016, 2016
Pedestrian and bicycle volume data collection using drone technology
D Kim
Journal of urban technology 27 (2), 45-60, 2020
The role of destination’s built environment on nonmotorized travel behavior: A case of Long Beach, California
D Kim, J Park, A Hong
Journal of Planning Education and Research 38 (2), 152-166, 2018
The influence of bicycle oriented facilities on bicycle crashes within crash concentrated areas
D Kim, K Kim
Traffic injury prevention 16 (1), 70-75, 2015
The Contribution of Neighborhood Tree and Greenspace to Asthma Emergency Room Visits: An Application of Advanced Spatial Data in Los Angeles County
D Kim, Y Ahn
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (7), 3487, 2021
Balancing mobility and CO2 reduction by a mode share scheme: a comparison of Los Angeles and Seoul metropolitan areas
D Kim, J Lee, S Choi
International Journal of Urban Sciences 19 (2), 168-181, 2015
GIS Methods and Tools for Bicycle and Pedestrian Crash Mapping and Analysis
I Bejleri, R Steiner, D Kim
Presented at 86th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, 2007
Using 3D GIS simulation for urban design
DH Kim, I Bejleri
ESRI Users conference, 1-14, 2005
Improving geocoding of traffic crashes using a custom ArcGIS address matching application
R Steiner, I Bejleri, X Yang, DH Kim
22nd Environmental Systems Research Institute International User Conference …, 2003
3D visual urban simulation: methods and applications
D Kim
한국지방행정학보 (KLAR) 7 (2), 189-210, 2010
The influence of accessory dwelling unit (ADU) policy on the contributing factors to ADU development: an assessment of the city of Los Angeles
D Kim, SR Baek, B Garcia, T Vo, F Wen
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 38, 1585-1599, 2023
Three-dimensional urban simulation for collaborative urban design
DH Kim
University of Florida, 2005
Built environment factors contribute to asthma morbidity in older people: A case study of Seoul, Korea
D Kim, Y Ahn
Journal of Transport & Health 8, 91-99, 2018
The Prevalence of Asthma and Severe Asthma in Children Influenced by Transportation Factors: Evidence from Spatial Analysis in Seoul, Korea
Y Ahn, D Kim
Cities 85, 30-37, 2019
Supervised Machine Learning Approaches to Modeling Residential Infill Development in the City of Los Angeles
D Kim, J Shim, J Park, J Cho, S Kumar
Journal of Urban Planning and Development 148 (1), 2021
Transportation contributing factors to asthma morbidity: the case of Los Angeles County
D Kim
International Journal of Urban Sciences 23 (1), 16-29, 2019
Analysis of potential collisions between pedestrians and personal transportation devices in a university campus: an application of unmanned aerial vehicles
D Kim, K Park
Journal of American College Health 71 (7), 2272-2279, 2023
An analysis on the severe accident progression with operator recovery actions
TH Vo, JH Song, TW Kim, DH Kim
Nuclear Engineering and Design 280, 429-439, 2014
Influence of the built environment on the spatiotemporal variation of pedestrian collision in Seoul: an application of big data
D Kim, HM Chanchlani
Transportation research record 2672 (35), 90-100, 2018
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Articles 1–20