Jelli Grace Luzano
Jelli Grace Luzano
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PTSD factor structure and relationship with self-construal among internally displaced persons
IG Mordeno, MJN Nalipay, DJS Sy, JGC Luzano
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 44, 102-110, 2016
Development and validation of a DSM-5-based generalized anxiety disorder self-report Scale: Investigating frequency and intensity rating differences
IG Mordeno, MJN Nalipay, JGC Luzano, DS Galela, MAL Ferolino
Current Psychology 40, 5247-5255, 2021
Assessing the efficacy of the problem management plus (PM+) in improving the mental health of conflict-exposed individuals
JGC Luzano, IG Mordeno
Current Psychology 43 (14), 12535-12551, 2024
Investigating the latent dimensions of posttraumatic stress disorder and the role of anxiety sensitivity in combat-exposed Filipino soldiers
IG Mordeno, JGC Luzano, ER Mordeno, MAL Ferolino
Military Psychology 32 (3), 223-236, 2020
Prevalence and predictors of psychological distress and common mental health concerns among Filipino university teachers amid the COVID‐19 pandemic
IG Mordeno, JGC Luzano, IMJS Gallemit, EZJ Gonzaga
Psychology in the Schools 60 (9), 3542-3574, 2023
Guidance counsellors on COVID-19 experiences: Distance education successes and challenges
PJS Hernandez, MCP Alejandria, RS Guiang, AP Bergado-Timbangcaya, ...
JANZSSA: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Student Services …, 2024
Examining specific and non-specific symptoms of the best-fitting posttraumatic stress disorder model in conflict-exposed adolescents
IG Mordeno, JGC Luzano
BMC psychology 11 (1), 353, 2023
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