Hooman Honar
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Aspirin in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery
PJ Devereaux, M Mrkobrada, DI Sessler, K Leslie, P Alonso-Coello, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 370 (16), 1494-1503, 2014
Myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery: a large, international, prospective cohort study establishing diagnostic criteria, characteristics, predictors, and 30-day outcomes
F Botto, P Alonso-Coello, MTV Chan, JC Villar, D Xavier, S Srinathan, ...
Anesthesiology 120 (3), 564-578, 2014
Clonidine in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery
PJ Devereaux, DI Sessler, K Leslie, A Kurz, M Mrkobrada, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 370 (16), 1504-1513, 2014
Intraoperative core temperature patterns, transfusion requirement, and hospital duration in patients warmed with forced air
Z Sun, H Honar, DI Sessler, JE Dalton, D Yang, K Panjasawatwong, ...
Anesthesiology 122 (2), 276, 2015
Dexmedetomidine for reduction of atrial fibrillation and delirium after cardiac surgery (DECADE): a randomised placebo-controlled trial
A Turan, A Duncan, S Leung, N Karimi, J Fang, G Mao, J Hargrave, ...
The Lancet 396 (10245), 177-185, 2020
Therapy insight: cirrhotic cardiomyopathy
SA Gaskari, H Honar, SS Lee
Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology & Hepatology 3 (6), 329-337, 2006
Anaesthetic depth and complications after major surgery: an international, randomised controlled trial
TG Short, D Campbell, C Frampton, MTV Chan, PS Myles, TB Corcoran, ...
The Lancet 394 (10212), 1907-1914, 2019
Perioperative aspirin and clonidine and risk of acute kidney injury: a randomized clinical trial
AX Garg, A Kurz, DI Sessler, M Cuerden, A Robinson, M Mrkobrada, ...
Jama 312 (21), 2254-2264, 2014
The association between perioperative hemoglobin and acute kidney injury in patients having noncardiac surgery
M Walsh, AX Garg, PJ Devereaux, M Argalious, H Honar, DI Sessler
Anesthesia & Analgesia 117 (4), 924-931, 2013
Agmatine exerts anticonvulsant effect in mice: modulation by α2-adrenoceptors and nitric oxide
S Demehri, H Homayoun, H Honar, K Riazi, K Vafaie, F Roushanzamir, ...
Neuropharmacology 45 (4), 534-542, 2003
Role of cardiac myofilament proteins titin and collagen in the pathogenesis of diastolic dysfunction in cirrhotic rats
TK Glenn, H Honar, H Liu, HEDJ ter Keurs, SS Lee
Journal of hepatology 55 (6), 1249-1255, 2011
Ultra-low dose naltrexone potentiates the anticonvulsant effect of low dose morphine on clonic seizures
H Honar, K Riazi, H Homayoun, H Sadeghipour, N Rashidi, ...
Neuroscience 129 (3), 733-742, 2004
Sex and estrus cycle differences in the modulatory effects of morphine on seizure susceptibility in mice
K Riazi, H Honar, H Homayoun, N Rashidi, M Dehghani, H Sadeghipour, ...
Epilepsia 45 (9), 1035-1042, 2004
The synergistic anticonvulsant effect of agmatine and morphine: possible role of alpha 2-adrenoceptors
K Riazi, H Honar, H Homayoun, N Rashidi, S Kiani, MR Ebrahimkhani, ...
Epilepsy research 65 (1-2), 33-40, 2005
Lithium inhibits the modulatory effects of morphine on susceptibility to pentylenetetrazole-induced clonic seizure in mice: involvement of a nitric oxide pathway
H Honar, K Riazi, H Homayoun, S Demehri, M Dehghani, K Vafaie, ...
Brain research 1029 (1), 48-55, 2004
Multisource feedback in professionalism for anesthesia residents
R Riveros, S Kimatian, P Castro, V Dhumak, H Honar, EJ Mascha, ...
Journal of clinical anesthesia 34, 32-40, 2016
Effect of low-dose aspirin therapy on implantation rate in women undergoing in-vitro fertilization cycles
A Moini, F Zafarani, S Haddadian, J Ahmadi, H Honar, K Riazi
Saudi medical journal 28 (5), 732, 2007
Intestinal inflammation alters the susceptibility to pentylenetetrazole‐induced seizure in mice
K Riazi, H Honar, H Homayoun, S Demehri, M Bahadori, AR Dehpour
Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 19 (3), 270-277, 2004
Homocysteine alterations in experimental cholestasis and its subsequent cirrhosis
MR Ebrahimkhani, H Sadeghipour, M Dehghani, S Kiani, S Payabvash, ...
Life sciences 76 (21), 2497-2512, 2005
Is normal β-hCG regression curve helpful in the diagnosis of persistent trophoblastic disease?
N Behtash, F Ghaemmaghami, H Honar, K Riazi, A Nori, M Modares, ...
International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer 14 (5), 2004
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Articles 1–20