Siamak Mehrkanoon
Cited by
Cited by
SmaAt-UNet: Precipitation nowcasting using a small attention-UNet architecture
K Trebing, T Staǹczyk, S Mehrkanoon
Pattern Recognition Letters 145, 178-186, 2021
Learning solutions to partial differential equations using LS-SVM
JAKS S. Mehrkanoon
Neurocomputing 159, 105-116, 2015
Approximate solutions to ordinary differential equations using least squares support vector machines
S Mehrkanoon, T Falck, JAK Suykens
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 23 (9), 1356-1367, 2012
Automated structural health monitoring based on adaptive kernel spectral clustering
R Langone, E Reynders, S Mehrkanoon, JAK Suykens
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 90, 64-78, 2017
Deep shared representation learning for weather elements forecasting
S Mehrkanoon
Knowledge-Based Systems 179, 120-128, 2019
Broad-UNet: Multi-scale feature learning for nowcasting tasks
JG Fernández, S Mehrkanoon
Neural Networks 144, 419-427, 2021
Multiclass semisupervised learning based upon kernel spectral clustering
S Mehrkanoon, C Alzate, R Mall, R Langone, JAK Suykens
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 26 (4), 720-733, 2014
Aa-transunet: Attention augmented transunet for nowcasting tasks
Y Yang, S Mehrkanoon
2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 01-08, 2022
Wind speed prediction using multidimensional convolutional neural networks
K Trebing, S Mehrkanoon
2020 IEEE symposium series on computational intelligence (SSCI), 713-720, 2020
Robust support vector machines for classification with nonconvex and smooth losses
Y Feng, Y Yang, X Huang, S Mehrkanoon, JAK Suykens
Neural computation 28 (6), 1217-1247, 2016
Deep hybrid neural-kernel networks using random Fourier features
S Mehrkanoon, JAK Suykens
Neurocomputing 298, 46-54, 2018
Regularized semipaired kernel CCA for domain adaptation
S Mehrkanoon, JAK Suykens
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 29 (7), 3199-3213, 2017
LS-SVM approximate solution to linear time varying descriptor systems
S Mehrkanoon, JAK Suykens
Automatica 48 (10), 2502-2511, 2012
A direct variable step block multistep method for solving general third-order ODEs
S Mehrkanoon
Numerical Algorithms 57, 53-66, 2011
Parameter estimation of delay differential equations: an integration-free LS-SVM approach
S Mehrkanoon, S Mehrkanoon, JAK Suykens
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 19 (4), 830-841, 2014
Non-parallel support vector classifiers with different loss functions
S Mehrkanoon, X Huang, JAK Suykens
Neurocomputing 143, 294-301, 2014
Support vector machines with piecewise linear feature mapping
X Huang, S Mehrkanoon, JAK Suykens
Neurocomputing 117, 118-127, 2013
Deep graph convolutional networks for wind speed prediction
T Stańczyk, S Mehrkanoon
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.10041, 2021
Grain and dietary fiber intake and bladder cancer risk: a pooled analysis of prospective cohort studies
YWY Evan, A Wesselius, S Mehrkanoon, M Brinkman, P van Den Brandt, ...
The American journal of clinical nutrition 112 (5), 1252-1266, 2020
Estimating the unknown time delay in chemical processes
S Mehrkanoon, YAW Shardt, JAK Suykens, SX Ding
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 55, 219-230, 2016
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Articles 1–20