randall crane
randall crane
Professor, Luskin School of Public Affairs, UCLA
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Cited by
The influence of urban form on travel: An interpretive review
R Crane
Journal of Planning Literature 15 (1), 3-23, 2000
Travel by Design: The Influence of Urban Design On Travel
M Boarnet, R Crane
New York: Oxford University Press, 2001
The influence of land use on travel behavior: Specification and estimation strategies
M Boarnet, R Crane
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 35 (9), 823-845, 2001
Does neighborhood design influence travel?: A behavioral analysis of travel diary and GIS data
R Crane, R Crepeau
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 3 (4), 225-238, 1998
Is there a quiet revolution in women's travel? Revisiting the gender gap in commuting
R Crane
Journal of the American planning association 73 (3), 298-316, 2007
On form versus function: Will the new urbanism reduce traffic, or increase it?
R Crane
Journal of Planning Education and Research 15 (2), 117-126, 1996
Cars and drivers in the new suburbs: Linking access to travel in neotraditional planning
R Crane
Journal of the American Planning Association 62 (1), 51-65, 1996
Does the Built Environment Influence Physical Activity?: Examining the Evidence--Special Report 282
National Research Council (US). Committee on Physical Activity, ...
Transportation Research Board, 2005
Water markets, market reform and the urban poor: Results from Jakarta, Indonesia
R Crane
World development 22 (1), 71-83, 1994
The influence of uncertain job location on urban form and the journey to work
R Crane
Journal of urban Economics 39 (3), 342-356, 1996
Traffic and sprawl: Evidence from US commuting from 1985-1997
R Crane, DG Chatman
University of Southern California, 2003
LA story: A reality check for transit-based housing
M Boarnet, R Crane
Journal of the American Planning Association 63 (2), 189-204, 1997
Public finance and transit-oriented planning: New evidence from southern California
MG Boarnet, R Crane
Journal of Planning Education and Research 17 (3), 206-219, 1998
People or place? Revisiting the who versus the where of urban development
R Crane, M Manville
Land Lines 20 (3), 2-7, 2008
Sex changes everything: the recent narrowing and widening of travel differences by gender
R Crane, L Takahashi
Public works management & policy 13 (4), 328-337, 2009
The contribution of environmental amenities to low-income housing: A comparative study of Bangkok and Jakarta
R Crane, A Daniere, S Harwood
Urban Studies 34 (9), 1495-1512, 1997
Mexico City's water supply: Improving the outlook for sustainability
National Research Council
National Academies Press, 1995
The Oxford Handbook of Urban Planning
R Weber, R Crane
Oxford University Press, 2012
Measuring access to basic services in global cities: descriptive and behavioral approaches
R Crane, A Daniere
Journal of the American Planning Association 62 (2), 203-221, 1996
Transport and sustainability: the role of the built environment
R Crane, LA Schweitzer
Built Environment 29 (3), 238-252, 2003
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Articles 1–20