Yan Solihin
Yan Solihin
Charles N. Millican Chair Professor of Computer Science at UCF, Director for Cybersecurity and
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Fair cache sharing and partitioning in a chip multiprocessor architecture
S Kim, D Chandra, Y Solihin
Proceedings. 13th International Conference on Parallel Architecture and …, 2004
Predicting inter-thread cache contention on a chip multi-processor architecture
D Chandra, F Guo, S Kim, Y Solihin
11th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, 340-351, 2005
Scaling the bandwidth wall: challenges in and avenues for CMP scaling
BM Rogers, A Krishna, GB Bell, K Vu, X Jiang, Y Solihin
Proceedings of the 36th annual international symposium on Computer …, 2009
Improving cost, performance, and security of memory encryption and authentication
C Yan, D Englender, M Prvulovic, B Rogers, Y Solihin
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 34 (2), 179-190, 2006
QoS policies and architecture for cache/memory in CMP platforms
R Iyer, L Zhao, F Guo, R Illikkal, S Makineni, D Newell, Y Solihin, L Hsu, ...
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 35 (1), 25-36, 2007
Using address independent seed encryption and bonsai merkle trees to make secure processors os-and performance-friendly
B Rogers, S Chhabra, M Prvulovic, Y Solihin
40th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO …, 2007
Counter-based cache replacement and bypassing algorithms
M Kharbutli, Y Solihin
IEEE Transactions on Computers 57 (4), 433-447, 2008
Flexitaint: A programmable accelerator for dynamic taint propagation
G Venkataramani, I Doudalis, Y Solihin, M Prvulovic
2008 IEEE 14th International Symposium on High Performance Computer …, 2008
Using a user-level memory thread for correlation prefetching
Y Solihin, J Lee, J Torrellas
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 30 (2), 171-182, 2002
CHOP: Adaptive filter-based DRAM caching for CMP server platforms
X Jiang, N Madan, L Zhao, M Upton, R Iyer, S Makineni, D Newell, ...
HPCA-16 2010 The Sixteenth International Symposium on High-Performance …, 2010
i-NVMM: a secure non-volatile main memory system with incremental encryption
S Chhabra, Y Solihin
Proceeding of the 38th annual international symposium on Computer …, 2011
Active Flash: Towards {Energy-Efficient},{In-Situ} Data Analytics on {Extreme-Scale} Machines
D Tiwari, S Boboila, S Vazhkudai, Y Kim, X Ma, P Desnoyers, Y Solihin
11th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 13), 119-132, 2013
Integral ratio: a new class of global thresholding techniques for handwriting images
Y Solihin, CG Leedham
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 21 (8), 761-768, 1999
Memtracker: Efficient and programmable support for memory access monitoring and debugging
G Venkataramani, B Roemer, Y Solihin, M Prvulovic
2007 IEEE 13th International Symposium on High Performance Computer …, 2007
Using prime numbers for cache indexing to eliminate conflict misses
M Kharbutli, K Irwin, Y Solihin, J Lee
High Performance Computer Architecture, 2004. HPCA-10. Proceedings. 10th …, 2004
A framework for providing quality of service in chip multi-processors
F Guo, Y Solihin, L Zhao, R Iyer
40th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO …, 2007
Proteus: A flexible and fast software supported hardware logging approach for nvm
S Shin, SK Tirukkovalluri, J Tuck, Y Solihin
Proceedings of the 50th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on …, 2017
SecureME: a hardware-software approach to full system security
S Chhabra, B Rogers, Y Solihin, M Prvulovic
Proceedings of the international conference on Supercomputing, 108-119, 2011
Silent shredder: Zero-cost shredding for secure non-volatile main memory controllers
A Awad, P Manadhata, S Haber, Y Solihin, W Horne
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 51 (4), 263-276, 2016
Understanding how off-chip memory bandwidth partitioning in chip multiprocessors affects system performance
F Liu, X Jiang, Y Solihin
HPCA-16 2010 The Sixteenth International Symposium on High-Performance …, 2010
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Articles 1–20