Diamantis Manolis
Diamantis Manolis
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Motorway traffic flow modelling, estimation and control with vehicle automation and communication systems
I Papamichail, N Bekiaris-Liberis, AI Delis, D Manolis, KS Mountakis, ...
Annual Reviews in Control 48, 325-346, 2019
Adaptive cruise control operation for improved motorway traffic flow
A Spiliopoulou, D Manolis, F Vandorou, M Papageorgiou
Transportation research record 2672 (22), 24-35, 2018
Centralised versus decentralised signal control of large‐scale urban road networks in real time: a simulation study
D Manolis, T Pappa, C Diakaki, I Papamichail, M Papageorgiou
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 12 (8), 891-900, 2018
Queue management techniques for metered freeway on-ramps
AD Spiliopoulou, D Manolis, I Papamichail, M Papageorgiou, J Wu, X Jin
Transportation research record 2178 (1), 40-48, 2010
Integrated ramp metering and mainstream traffic flow control on freeways using variable speed limits
RC Carlson, D Manolis, I Papamichail, M Papageorgiou
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 48, 1578-1588, 2012
Lane-free microscopic simulation for connected and automated vehicles
D Troullinos, G Chalkiadakis, D Manolis, I Papamichail, M Papageorgiou
2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC …, 2021
Real time adaptive cruise control strategy for motorways
D Manolis, A Spiliopoulou, F Vandorou, M Papageorgiou
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 115, 102617, 2020
Real-time estimation of critical occupancy for maximum motorway throughput
E Kosmatopoulos, M Papageorgiou, D Manolis, J Hayden, R Higginson, ...
Transportation research record 1959 (1), 65-76, 2006
Empirical investigation of properties of lane-free automated vehicle traffic
M Malekzadeh, D Manolis, I Papamichail, M Papageorgiou
2022 IEEE 25th international conference on intelligent transportation …, 2022
Automated tuning of ITS management and control systems: Results from real-life experiments
D Manolis, I Papamichail, EB Kosmatopoulos, M Papageorgiou
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 66, 119-135, 2016
Use of system of systems and decentralized optimization concepts for integrated traffic control via dynamic signalization and embedded speed recommendation
U Aliubavicius, J Obermaier, W Fourati, D Manolis, IT Michailidis, ...
Transportation Research Procedia 14, 3416-3425, 2016
Identification and adaptive control for open channel water flow systems
M Diamantis, M Papageorgiou, EB Kosmatopoulos, G Chamilothoris
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 26 (6), 464-480, 2011
Extending SUMO for lane-free microscopic simulation of connected and automated vehicles
D Troullinos, G Chalkiadakis, D Manolis, I Papamichail, M Papageorgiou
SUMO Conference Proceedings 3, 95-103, 2022
A decentralized optimization approach employing cooperative cycle-regulation in an intersection-centric manner: a complex urban simulative case study
IT Michailidis, D Manolis, P Michailidis, C Diakaki, EB Kosmatopoulos
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 8, 100232, 2020
Autonomous self-regulating intersections in large-scale urban traffic networks: a Chania City case study
IT Michailidis, D Manolis, P Michailidis, C Diakaki, EB Kosmatopoulos
2018 5th international conference on control, decision and information …, 2018
Simulation investigations of the coordinated traffic-responsive signal control strategy TUC with actuation at the local junction level
D Manolis, C Diakaki, I Papamichail, M Papageorgiou
European Transport Research Review 10, 1-9, 2018
A max pressure approach to urban network signal control with queue estimation using connected vehicle data
J Cao, Y Hu, M Diamantis, S Zhang, Y Wang, J Guo, I Papamichail, ...
2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2020
Simulation study of centralized vs decentralized approaches to the signal control of large-scale urban networks
D Manolis, T Pappa, C Diakaki, I Papamichail, M Papageorgiou
Compendium of Papers of 96th Annual Meeting of the Transp Res Board (TRB …, 2017
Joint queue estimation and max pressure control for signalized urban networks with connected vehicles
S Zhang, M Diamantis, Y Wang, J Guo, I Papamichail, M Papageorgiou, ...
2020 Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems (FISTS), 211-217, 2020
Comparative evaluation of two alternative approaches for the decentralized real-time signal control of urban networks
D Manolis, C Diakaki, I Papamichail, M Papageorgiou
Proc. 4th Intern. Symposium & 26th National Conference on Operational …, 2015
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Articles 1–20