Yue Hao
Cited by
Cited by
Electron-Ion Collider: The next QCD frontier: Understanding the glue that binds us all
A Accardi, JL Albacete, M Anselmino, N Armesto, EC Aschenauer, ...
The European Physical Journal A 52, 1-100, 2016
A large hadron electron collider at CERN report on the physics and design concepts for machine and detector
JLA Fernandez, C Adolphsen, AN Akay, H Aksakal, JL Albacete, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 39 (7), 075001, 2012
Gluons and the quark sea at high energies: Distributions, polarization, tomography
D Boer, M Diehl, R Milner, R Venugopalan, W Vogelsang, A Accardi, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1108.1713, 2011
eRHIC design study: an electron-ion collider at BNL
EC Aschenauer, MD Baker, A Bazilevsky, K Boyle, S Belomestnykh, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.1633, 2014
The next QCD frontier
A Accardi, JL Albacete, M Anselmino, N Armesto, EC Aschenauer, ...
Eur. Phys. JA 52, 268, 2016
Advances of the FRIB project
J Wei, H Ao, S Beher, N Bultman, F Casagrande, S Cogan, C Compton, ...
International Journal of Modern Physics E 28 (3), 1930003, 2019
Compensating effect of the coherent synchrotron radiation in bunch compressors
Y Jing, Y Hao, VN Litvinenko
Physical Review Special Topics—Accelerators and Beams 16 (6), 060704, 2013
Proof-of-principle experiment for FEL-based coherent electron cooling
VN Litvinenko, S Belomestnykh, I Ben-Zvi, JC Brutus, A Fedotov, Y Hao, ...
Brookhaven National Lab.(BNL), Upton, NY (United States). Relativistic Heavy …, 2011
Accelerator commissioning and rare isotope identification at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
J Wei, H Ao, B Arend, S Beher, G Bollen, N Bultman, F Casagrande, ...
Modern Physics Letters A 37 (09), 2230006, 2022
Proceedings of 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC-2023, Venice, Italy
H Huang, Y Zhang, T Satogata, V Morozov, YLF Lin, D Xu, Y Hao
JACoW Publishing, 2023
Design status update of the Electron-Ion Collider
C Montag
SLAC National Accelerator Lab., Menlo Park, CA (United States); Thomas …, 2021
On the Relation of the LHeC and the LHC
JL Fernandez, C Adolphsen, P Adzic, AN Akay, H Aksakal, JL Albacete, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1211.5102, 2012
Effect of electron disruption in the energy recovery linac based electron ion collider
Y Hao, V Ptitsyn
Physical Review Special Topics—Accelerators and Beams 13 (7), 071003, 2010
The Cornell-BNL FFAG-ERL test accelerator: white paper
I Bazarov, J Dobbins, B Dunham, G Hoffstaetter, C Mayes, R Patterson, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.00588, 2015
High luminosity electron-hadron collider eRHIC
V Ptitsyn, E Aschenauer, J Beebe-Wang, S Belomestnykh, I Ben-Zvi, ...
this proceeding, 2011
Advances in coherent electron cooling
VN Litvinenko, G Wang, GI Bell, DL Bruhwiler, A Elizarov, Y Hao, Y Jing
Proc. IPAC 14, 2013
Beam-beam effects of gear changing in ring-ring colliders
Y Hao, VN Litvinenko, V Ptitsyn
Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams 17 (4), 041001, 2014
Electron-Ion Collider Design Status
C Montag, EC Aschenauer, G Bassi, J Beebe-Wang, JS Berg, ...
Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Upton, NY (United States), 2022
Present status of coherent electron cooling proof-of-principle experiment
I Pinayev, S Belomestnykh, I Ben-Zvi, KA Brown, JC Brutus, L DeSanto, ...
Brookhaven National Lab.(BNL), Upton, NY (United States), 2013
A large hadron electron collider at CERN. Report on the physics and design concepts for machine and detector
JL Abelleira Fernandez, C Adolphsen, AN Akay, H Aksakal, JL Albacete, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 39 (7), 075001, 2012
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Articles 1–20