Ilya Gelfand
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Cited by
Sustainable bioenergy production from marginal lands in the US Midwest
I Gelfand, R Sahajpal, X Zhang, RC Izaurralde, KL Gross, GP Robertson
Nature, 2013
Carbon debt of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) grasslands converted to bioenergy production
I Gelfand, T Zenone, P Jasrotia, J Chen, SK Hamilton, GP Robertson
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 108 (33), 13864-13869, 2011
Biogeochemical factors contributing to enhanced carbon storage following afforestation of a semi-arid shrubland
JM Grünzweig, I Gelfand, Y Fried, D Yakir
Biogeosciences 4 (5), 891-904, 2007
Phosphorus removal in a marine prototype, recirculating aquaculture system
Y Barak, E Cytryn, I Gelfand, M Krom, J van Rijn
Aquaculture 220 (1-4), 313-326, 2003
Influence of nitrite accumulation in association with seasonal patterns and mineralization of soil nitrogen in a semi-arid pine forest
I Gelfand, D Yakir
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40 (2), 415-424, 2008
Energy efficiency of conventional, organic, and alternative cropping systems for food and fuel at a site in the US Midwest
I Gelfand, SS Snapp, GP Robertson
Environmental Science & Technology 44 (10), 4006-4011, 2010
A novel zero discharge intensive seawater recirculating system for the culture of marine fish
I Gelfand, Y Barak, Z Even‐Chen, E Cytryn, J Van Rijn, MD Krom, A Neori
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 34 (3), 344-358, 2003
Empirical evidence for the potential climate benefits of decarbonizing light vehicle transport in the US with bioenergy from purpose-grown biomass with and without BECCS
I Gelfand, SK Hamilton, AN Kravchenko, RD Jackson, KD Thelen, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (5), 2961-2974, 2020
Nitrous oxide emissions during establishment of eight alternative cellulosic bioenergy cropping systems in the North Central United States
LG Oates, DS Duncan, I Gelfand, N Millar, GP Robertson, RD Jackson
Gcb Bioenergy 8 (3), 539-549, 2016
Long‐term nitrous oxide fluxes in annual and perennial agricultural and unmanaged ecosystems in the upper Midwest USA
I Gelfand, I Shcherbak, N Millar, AN Kravchenko, GP Robertson
Global Change Biology, 2016
Ecosystem Water-Use Efficiency of Annual Corn and Perennial Grasslands: Contributions from Land-Use History and Species Composition
M Abraha, I Gelfand, SK Hamilton, C Shao, YJ Su, GP Robertson, J Chen
Ecosystems, 1-12, 2016
Identifying representative crop rotation patterns and grassland loss in the US Western Corn Belt
R Sahajpal, X Zhang, RC Izaurralde, I Gelfand, GC Hurtt
Computers and electronics in agriculture 108, 173-182, 2014
Sulfide-oxidizing activity and bacterial community structure in a fluidized bed reactor from a zero-discharge mariculture system
E Cytryn, D Minz, I Gelfand, A Neori, A Gieseke, D De Beer, J Van Rijn
Environmental science & technology 39 (6), 1802-1810, 2005
Diversity of microbial communities correlated to physiochemical parameters in a digestion basin of a zero‐discharge mariculture system
E Cytryn, I Gelfand, Y Barak, J Van Rijn, D Minz
Environmental Microbiology 5 (1), 55-63, 2003
A reassessment of the contribution of soybean biological nitrogen fixation to reactive N in the environment.
I Gelfand, GP Robertson
Biogeochemistry, 2015
From set-aside grassland to annual and perennial cellulosic biofuel crops: Effects of land use change on carbon balance
T Zenone, I Gelfand, J Chen, SK Hamilton, GP Robertson
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 182, 1-12, 2013
Short-term drought response of N2O and CO2 emissions from mesic agricultural soils in the US Midwest
I Gelfand, M Cui, J Tang, GP Robertson
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 212, 127-133, 2015
Legacy effects of land use on soil nitrous oxide emissions in annual crop and perennial grassland ecosystems
M Abraha, I Gelfand, SK Hamilton, J Chen, GP Robertson
Ecological Applications 28 (5), 1362-1369, 2018
Carbon debt of field-scale conservation reserve program grasslands converted to annual and perennial bioenergy crops
M Abraha, I Gelfand, SK Hamilton, J Chen, GP Robertson
Environmental Research Letters 14 (2), 024019, 2019
CO2 uptake is offset by CH4 and N2O emissions in a poplar short‐rotation coppice
T Zenone, D Zona, I Gelfand, B Gielen, M Camino‐Serrano, R Ceulemans
GCB Bioenergy 8 (3), 524-538, 2016
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Articles 1–20