Ajit Desai
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Cited by
Analysis of a nonlinear aeroelastic system with parametric uncertainties using polynomial chaos expansion
A Desai, S Sarkar
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2010, 2010
Book Chapter: Analysis of a Nonlinear Aeroelastic System with Parametric Uncertainties Using PCE
A Desai, S Sarkar
Models and Applications of Chaos Theory in Modern Sciences, 2012
Uncertainty quantification of a nonlinear aeroelastic system using polynomial chaos expansion with constant phase interpolation
A Desai, JAS Witteveen, S Sarkar
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 135 (5), 051034, 2013
Using payments data to nowcast macroeconomic variables during the onset of COVID-19
J Chapman, A Desai
Bank of Canada, 2021
Scalable domain decomposition solvers for stochastic PDEs in high performance computing
A Desai, M Khalil, C Pettit, D Poirel, A Sarkar
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 335, 194-222, 2018
Macroeconomic predictions using payments data and machine learning
JTE Chapman, A Desai
Forecasting 5 (4), 652-683, 2023
Estimating policy functions in payments systems using reinforcement learning
PS Castro, D Ajit, H Du, R Garratt, F Rivadeneyra
Bank of Canada Staff Working Paper, 2021
Machine Learning for Economics Research: When What and How?
A Desai
Available at SSRN 4404772, 2023
Improving the efficiency of payments systems using quantum computing
C McMahon, D McGillivray, A Desai, F Rivadeneyra, JP Lam, T Lo, ...
Management Science 70 (10), 7325-7341, 2024
Scalable domain decomposition algorithms for uncertainty quantification in high performance computing
A Desai
Carleton University, 2019
Uncertainty quantification and bifurcation behavior of an aeroelastic system
A Desai, S Sarkar
Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 54518, 1177-1187, 2010
From LVTS to Lynx: Quantitative assessment of payment system transition in Canada
A Desai, Z Lu, H Rodrigo, J Sharples, P Tian, N Zhang
Journal of Payments Strategy & Systems 17 (3), 291-314, 2023
Computational model for steady state simulation of a plate-fin heat exchanger
AR Desai
Domain decomposition of stochastic pdes: Development of probabilistic wirebasket-based two-level preconditioners
A Desai, M Khalil, CL Pettit, D Poirel, A Sarkar
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.10713, 2022
Finding a needle in a haystack: a machine learning framework for anomaly detection in payment systems
A Desai, A Kosse, J Sharples
Bank of Canada, 2024
Solving Stochastic PDEs Using FEniCS and UQtk
A Desai
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.07882, 2022
A parallel update step of a sampling-free EnKF-type filter
P Bisaillon, A Desai, M Khalil, C Pettit, D Poirel, A Sarkar
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2021
Domain Decomposition of Stochastic PDEs using FEniCS.
A Desai, PV Sudhi, M Khalil, C Pettit, D Poirel, A Sarkar
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States), 2021
Domain Decomposition of Stochastic PDEs: Three-dimensional and Time-dependent Systems.
A Desai, PV Sudhi, M Khalil, C Pettit, D Poirel
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States), 2020
Scalable Iterative Solvers for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations.
A Desai, PV Sudhi, M Khalil, C Pettit, D Poirel, A Sarkar
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States), 2019
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Articles 1–20