Cibu Thomas
Cibu Thomas
Center for Scientific Review
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Anatomical accuracy of brain connections derived from diffusion MRI tractography is inherently limited
C Thomas, FQ Ye, MO Irfanoglu, P Modi, KS Saleem, DA Leopold, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (46), 16574-16579, 2014
Seeing it differently: visual processing in autism
M Behrmann, C Thomas, K Humphreys
Trends in cognitive sciences 10 (6), 258-264, 2006
A mirror up to nature
I Dinstein, C Thomas, M Behrmann, DJ Heeger
Current Biology 18 (1), R13-R18, 2008
Reduced structural connectivity in ventral visual cortex in congenital prosopagnosia
C Thomas, G Avidan, K Humphreys, K Jung, F Gao, M Behrmann
Nature neuroscience 12 (1), 29-31, 2009
Teaching an adult brain new tricks: a critical review of evidence for training-dependent structural plasticity in humans
C Thomas, CI Baker
Neuroimage 73, 225-236, 2013
Limits to anatomical accuracy of diffusion tractography using modern approaches
KG Schilling, V Nath, C Hansen, P Parvathaneni, J Blaber, Y Gao, ...
Neuroimage 185, 1-11, 2019
Normal movement selectivity in autism
I Dinstein, C Thomas, K Humphreys, N Minshew, M Behrmann, ...
Neuron 66 (3), 461-469, 2010
The anatomy of the callosal and visual-association pathways in high-functioning autism: a DTI tractography study
C Thomas, K Humphreys, KJ Jung, N Minshew, M Behrmann
Cortex 47 (7), 863-873, 2011
Clinical feasibility of using mean apparent propagator (MAP) MRI to characterize brain tissue microstructure
AV Avram, JE Sarlls, AS Barnett, E Özarslan, C Thomas, MO Irfanoglu, ...
Neuroimage 127, 422-434, 2016
Reduction in white matter connectivity, revealed by diffusion tensor imaging, may account for age-related changes in face perception
C Thomas, L Moya, G Avidan, K Humphreys, KJ Jung, MA Peterson, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 20 (2), 268-284, 2008
Global motion perception deficits in autism are reflected as early as primary visual cortex
CE Robertson, C Thomas, DJ Kravitz, GL Wallace, S Baron-Cohen, ...
Brain 137 (9), 2588-2599, 2014
Impact of time-of-day on brain morphometric measures derived from T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging
A Trefler, N Sadeghi, AG Thomas, C Pierpaoli, CI Baker, C Thomas
Neuroimage 133, 41-52, 2016
DR-TAMAS: Diffeomorphic Registration for Tensor Accurate Alignment of Anatomical Structures
MO Irfanoglu, A Nayak, J Jenkins, EB Hutchinson, N Sadeghi, CP Thomas, ...
Neuroimage 132, 439-454, 2016
Emerging structure–function relations in the developing face processing system
K Suzanne Scherf, C Thomas, J Doyle, M Behrmann
Cerebral Cortex 24 (11), 2964-2980, 2014
Enabling global processing in simultanagnosia by psychophysical biasing of visual pathways
C Thomas, K Kveraga, E Huberle, HO Karnath, M Bar
Brain 135 (5), 1578-1585, 2012
Impact of time-of-day on diffusivity measures of brain tissue derived from diffusion tensor imaging
C Thomas, N Sadeghi, A Nayak, A Trefler, J Sarlls, CI Baker, C Pierpaoli
Neuroimage 173, 25-34, 2018
Diffusion MRI properties of the human uncinate fasciculus correlate with the ability to learn visual associations
C Thomas, A Avram, C Pierpaoli, C Baker
Cortex 72, 65-78, 2015
Finding the baby in the bath water–evidence for task-specific changes in resting state functional connectivity evoked by training
A Steel, C Thomas, A Trefler, G Chen, CI Baker
Neuroimage 188, 524-538, 2019
Tensor‐based morphometry using scalar and directional information of diffusion tensor MRI data (DTBM): Application to hereditary spastic paraplegia
N Sadeghi, F Arrigoni, MG D'Angelo, C Thomas, MO Irfanoglu, ...
Human Brain Mapping 39 (12), 4643-4651, 2018
Impairments in face perception
M Behrmann, G Avidan, C Thomas, M Nishimura
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Articles 1–20