Mujahid Sultan
Mujahid Sultan
University of Toronto
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Cited by
Binary tree-structured vector quantization approach to clustering and visualizing microarray data
M Sultan, DA Wigle, CA Cumbaa, M Maziarz, J Glasgow, MS Tsao, ...
Bioinformatics 18 (suppl_1), S111-S119, 2002
Molecular classification of oral cancer by cDNA microarrays identifies overexpressed genes correlated with nodal metastasis
GC Warner, PP Reis, I Jurisica, M Sultan, S Arora, C Macmillan, ...
International journal of cancer 110 (6), 857-868, 2004
Phenotypic and transcriptional plasticity directed by a yeast mitogen-activated protein kinase network
A Breitkreutz, L Boucher, BJ Breitkreutz, M Sultan, I Jurisica, M Tyers
Genetics 165 (3), 997-1015, 2003
Automated tissue analysis–a bioinformatics perspective
A Kriete, K Boyce
Methods of information in medicine 44 (01), 32-37, 2005
Loss of coordinated androgen regulation in nonmalignant ovarian epithelial cells with BRCA1/2 mutations and ovarian cancer cells
A Evangelou, M Letarte, I Jurisica, M Sultan, KJ Murphy, B Rosen, ...
Cancer research 63 (10), 2416-2424, 2003
Ordering interrogative questions for effective requirements engineering: The W6H pattern
M Sultan, A Miranskyy
2015 IEEE Fifth International Workshop on Requirements Patterns (RePa), 1-8, 2015
Ordering stakeholder viewpoint concerns for holistic enterprise architecture: the W6H framework
M Sultan, A Miranskyy
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 78-85, 2018
Designing knowledge plane to optimize leaf and spine data center
M Sultan, D Imbuido, K Patel, J MacDonald, K Ratnam
2020 IEEE 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 13-15, 2020
Crosslinking Acrylic Fibers with Hexanediol and Pentaerythritol.
PJ Brown, M Sultan, JH Nobbs
AATCC Review 2 (3), 2002
Ordering stakeholder viewpoint concerns for holistic and incremental Enterprise Architecture: the W6H framework
M Sultan, A Miranskyy
preprint arXiv 1509 (07360), 2015
Enterprise architecture approach to build API economy
M Sultan, D Rajaratnam, K Patel
2022 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering …, 2022
Linking Stakeholders' Viewpoint Concerns and Microservices-based Architecture
M Sultan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.01702, 2020
Sampling Streaming Data with Parallel Vector Quantization--PVQ
M Sultan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.01792, 2022
In-line colour monitoring of transparent liquids using a colour cell
M Sultan, JH Nobbs, PJ Brown
Surface coatings international. Part B, Coatings transactions 85 (1), 49-54, 2002
Engineering Stakeholders' Viewpoint-concerns for Architecting a Modern Enterprise
M Sultan
Toronto Metropolitan University, 2022
Probabilistic Partitive Partitioning (PPP)
M Sultan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.04372, 2020
Molecular classification of oral cancer by microarray analysis
GC Warner, PP Reis, I Jurisica, M Sultan, C MacMillan, N Beasley, ...
BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY 91 (9), 1211-1211, 2004
Novel Technologies
GC Warner, PP Reis, I Jurisica, M Sultan, C MacMillan, N Beasley, ...
Überwachung in Reihe des Farbtons von durchsichtigen Flüssigkeiten mittels einer Farbenzelle
M Sultan, JH Nobbs, PJ Brown
Surface Coatings International Part B: Coatings Transactions 85, 49-54, 2002
CrosslinkingAcrylicFiberswith Hexanediol and Pentaerythritol
PJ Brown, M Sultan
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Articles 1–20