Martijn van de Pol
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Cited by
A simple method for distinguishing within-versus between-subject effects using mixed models
M Van de Pol, J Wright
Animal behaviour 77 (3), 753, 2009
Age‐dependent traits: a new statistical model to separate within‐and between‐individual effects
M van de Pol, S Verhulst
The American Naturalist 167 (5), 766-773, 2006
Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient
V Radchuk, T Reed, C Teplitsky, M van de Pol, A Charmantier, C Hassall, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1-14, 2019
Scientists' warning on climate change and insects
JA Harvey, K Tougeron, R Gols, R Heinen, M Abarca, PK Abram, Y Basset, ...
Ecological monographs 93 (1), e1553, 2023
Variation in personality and behavioural plasticity across four populations of the great tit Parus major
NJ Dingemanse, KM Bouwman, M van de Pol, T van Overveld, SC Patrick, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 81 (1), 116-126, 2012
Identifying the best climatic predictors in ecology and evolution
M van de Pol, LD Bailey, N McLean, L Rijsdijk, CR Lawson, L Brouwer
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7 (10), 1246-1257, 2016
A silver spoon for a golden future: long‐term effects of natal origin on fitness prospects of oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus)
M Van De Pol, LW Bruinzeel, D Heg, HP Van Der Jeugd, S Verhulst
Journal of Animal Ecology 75 (2), 616-626, 2006
Do changes in the frequency, magnitude and timing of extreme climatic events threaten the population viability of coastal birds?
M Van De Pol, BJ Ens, D Heg, L Brouwer, J Krol, M Maier, KM Exo, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 47 (4), 720-730, 2010
Environmental variation and population responses to global change
CR Lawson, Y Vindenes, L Bailey, M van de Pol
Ecology Letters 18 (7), 724-736, 2015
Tackling extremes: challenges for ecological and evolutionary research on extreme climatic events
LD Bailey, M van de Pol
Journal of Animal Ecology 85 (1), 85-96, 2016
Effects of climate change and variability on population dynamics in a long‐lived shorebird
M Van de Pol, Y Vindenes, BE Sæther, S Engen, BJ Ens, K Oosterbeek, ...
Ecology 91 (4), 1192-1204, 2010
Behavioural, ecological and evolutionary responses to extreme climatic events: challenges and directions
M Van de Pol, S Jenouvrier, JHC Cornelissen, ME Visser
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
climwin: An R Toolbox for Climate Window Analysis
LD Bailey, M van de Pol
PLoS One 11 (12), e0167980, 2016
MHC‐dependent survival in a wild population: evidence for hidden genetic benefits gained through extra‐pair fertilizations
L BROUWER, I BARR, M Van De POL, T BURKE, JAN Komdeur, ...
Molecular ecology 19 (16), 3444-3455, 2010
Quantifying individual variation in reaction norms: how study design affects the accuracy, precision and power of random regression models
M van de Pol
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3 (2), 268-280, 2012
Predicting when climate‐driven phenotypic change affects population dynamics
N McLean, CR Lawson, DI Leech, M van de Pol
Ecology letters 19 (6), 595-608, 2016
Environmental Impacts—Coastal Ecosystems
JP Bakker, ACW Baas, J Bartholdy, L Jones, G Ruessink, S Temmerman, ...
North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment, 275-314, 2016
Experimental evidence for a causal effect of pair-bond duration on reproductive performance in oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus)
M Van De Pol, D Heg, LW Bruinzeel, B Kuijper, S Verhulst
Behavioral Ecology 17 (6), 982-991, 2006
Fluctuating optimum and temporally variable selection on breeding date in birds and mammals
P de Villemereuil, A Charmantier, D Arlt, P Bize, P Brekke, L Brouwer, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (50), 31969-31978, 2020
Site attachment of floaters predicts success in territory acquisition
LW Bruinzeel, M Van De Pol
Behavioral Ecology 15 (2), 290-296, 2004
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Articles 1–20