Chen Chen
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How bicycle level of traffic stress correlate with reported cyclist accidents injury severities: A geospatial and mixed logit analysis
C Chen, JC Anderson, H Wang, Y Wang, R Vogt, S Hernandez
Accident Analysis & Prevention 108, 234-244, 2017
Household risk perceptions and evacuation intentions in earthquake and tsunami in a Cascadia Subduction Zone
A Buylova, C Chen, LA Cramer, H Wang, DT Cox
International journal of disaster risk reduction 44, 101442, 2020
Does bicycle network level of traffic stress (LTS) explain bicycle travel behavior? Mixed results from an Oregon case study
H Wang, M Palm, C Chen, R Vogt, Y Wang
Journal of transport geography 57, 8-18, 2016
Tsunami preparedness and resilience in the Cascadia Subduction Zone: A multistage model of expected evacuation decisions and mode choice
C Chen, MK Lindell, H Wang
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 59, 102244, 2021
Using bicycle app data to develop Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) for bicyclists at intersections: A generic framework
C Chen, H Wang, J Roll, K Nordback, Y Wang
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 132, 1034-1052, 2020
An interdisciplinary agent-based multimodal wildfire evacuation model: Critical decisions and life safety
MRK Siam, H Wang, MK Lindell, C Chen, EI Vlahogianni, K Axhausen
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 103, 103147, 2022
Evacuation behaviors in tsunami drills
C Chen, A Mostafizi, H Wang, D Cox, L Cramer
Natural Hazards 112 (1), 845-871, 2022
Households’ intended evacuation transportation behavior in response to earthquake and tsunami hazard in a Cascadia Subduction Zone city
C Chen, A Buylova, C Chand, H Wang, LA Cramer, DT Cox
Transportation research record 2674 (7), 99-114, 2020
Tsunami preparedness and resilience: Evacuation logistics and time estimations
C Chen, H Wang, MK Lindell, MC Jung, MRK Siam
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 109, 103324, 2022
Risk factors for pedestrian and bicycle crashes
C Monsere, H Wang, Y Wang, C Chen
Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Section, 2017
Evolutionary game analysis of decision-making dynamics of local governments and residents during wildfires
W Shi, H Wang, C Chen, Z Kong
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 53, 101991, 2021
Development of a crash risk-scoring tool for pedestrian and bicycle projects in Oregon
Y Wang, CM Monsere, C Chen, H Wang
Transportation research record 2672 (32), 30-39, 2018
An interdisciplinary agent-based evacuation model: Integrating the natural environment, built environment, and social system for community preparedness and resilience
C Chen, C Koll, H Wang, MK Lindell
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 23 (2), 733-749, 2023
Local residents’ immediate responses to the 2018 Indonesia earthquake and tsunami
H Wang, MK Lindell, MRK Siam, C Chen, R Husein
Earthquake Spectra 38 (4), 2835-2865, 2022
Bicycle Safety Analysis: Crowdsourcing Bicycle Travel Data to Estimate Risk Exposure and Create Safety Performance Functions
H Wang, Y Wang, MB Lowry, C Chen, Z Pu
Risk perception and travel behavior under short-lead evacuation: Post disaster analysis of 2020 Beirut Port Explosion
G Tahesh, H Abdulsattar, M Abou Zeid, C Chen
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 89, 103603, 2023
Emergency Warning Dissemination in a Multiplex Social Network
C Koll, M Lindell, C Chen, H Wang
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 26 (1), 2023
Bicycles and micromobility for disaster response and recovery
DT Fitch-Polse, C Chen, SD Wong
Transport Policy, 2024
An integrative agent‐based vertical evacuation risk assessment model for near‐field tsunami hazards
C Chen, A Mostafizi, H Wang, D Cox, C Chand
Risk Analysis 42 (12), 2720-2734, 2022
Crowdsourcing Data-driven Development of Bicycle Safety Performance Functions (SPFs): Microscopic and Macroscopic Scales
C Chen
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Articles 1–20