Bernard Brixel
Bernard Brixel
Scientific Advisor, Cantonal Office of the Environment (Geneva, Switzerland)
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Cited by
The seismo-hydromechanical behavior during deep geothermal reservoir stimulations: open questions tackled in a decameter-scale in situ stimulation experiment
F Amann, V Gischig, K Evans, J Doetsch, R Jalali, B Valley, H Krietsch, ...
Solid Earth 9 (1), 115-137, 2018
Hydraulic stimulation and fluid circulation experiments in underground laboratories: Stepping up the scale towards engineered geothermal systems
VS Gischig, D Giardini, F Amann, M Hertrich, H Krietsch, S Loew, ...
Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 24, 100175, 2020
Transient hydraulic tomography approach to characterize main flowpaths and their connectivity in fractured media
M Klepikova, B Brixel, M Jalali
Advances in Water Resources 136, 103500, 2020
Tracking fluid flow in shallow crustal fault zones: 1. Insights from single‐hole permeability estimates
B Brixel, M Klepikova, MR Jalali, Q Lei, C Roques, H Kriestch, S Loew
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (4), e2019JB018200, 2020
Hydraulic fracture propagation in a heterogeneous stress field in a crystalline rock mass
N Dutler, B Valley, V Gischig, L Villiger, H Krietsch, J Doetsch, B Brixel, ...
Solid Earth 10 (6), 1877-1904, 2019
Hydromechanical insight of fracture opening and closure during in-situ hydraulic fracturing in crystalline rock
N Dutler, B Valley, V Gischig, M Jalali, B Brixel, H Krietsch, C Roques, ...
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 135, 104450, 2020
Tracking fluid flow in shallow crustal fault zones: 2. Insights from cross‐hole forced flow experiments in damage zones
B Brixel, M Klepikova, Q Lei, C Roques, MR Jalali, H Krietsch, S Loew
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (4), e2019JB019108, 2020
A Multi-Scale Approach to Identify and Characterize the Preferential Flow Paths of a Fractured Crystalline Rock
M Jalali, M Klepikova, J Doetsch, H Krietsch, B Brixel, N Dutler, V Gischig, ...
ARMA International Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference …, 2018
Grimsel ISC experiment description
J Doetsch, V Gischig, H Krietsch, L Villiger, F Amann, N Dutler, R Jalali, ...
ETH Zurich, 2018
In situ observation of helium and argon release during fluid-pressure-triggered rock deformation
C Roques, UW Weber, B Brixel, H Krietsch, N Dutler, MS Brennwald, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 6949, 2020
Changing flow paths caused by simultaneous shearing and fracturing observed during hydraulic stimulation
H Krietsch, L Villiger, J Doetsch, V Gischig, KF Evans, B Brixel, MR Jalali, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (3), e2019GL086135, 2020
Characterization, hydraulic stimulation, and fluid circulation experiments in the Bedretto Underground Laboratory for Geosciences and Geoenergies
M Hertrich, B Brixel, K Broeker, T Driesner, N Gholizadeh, D Giardini, ...
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2021-1895, 2021
Hydraulic Stimulation and Fluid Circulation Experiments in Underground Laboratories: Stepping up the Scale towards Engineered Geothermal Systems, Geomechanics for Energy and …
VS Gischig, D Giardini, F Amann, M Hertrich, H Krietsch, S Loew, ...
Analysis of thermal dilution experiments with distributed temperature sensing for fractured rock characterization
M Klepikova, B Brixel, D Roubinet
Journal of Hydrology 610, 127874, 2022
Hydraulic fracture propagation in a heterogeneous stress field in a crystalline rock mass, Solid Earth, 10, 1877–1904
N Dutler, B Valley, V Gischig, L Villiger, H Krietsch, J Doetsch, B Brixel, ...
High-resolution cross-borehole thermal tracer testing in granite: preliminary field results
B Brixel, M Klepikova, M Jalali, F Amann, S Loew
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 16756, 2017
Four-dimensional tracer flow reconstruction in fractured rock through borehole ground-penetrating radar (GPR) monitoring
PL Giertzuch, J Doetsch, A Shakas, M Jalali, B Brixel, H Maurer
Solid Earth 12 (7), 1497-1513, 2021
The seismo‑hydromechanical behavior during deep geo‑thermal reservoir stimulations: open questions tackled in a decameter‑scale in situ stimulation experiment. Solid Earth …
F Amann, V Gischig, K Evans, J Doetsch, R Jalali, B Valley, H Krietsch, ...
Computing localized breakthrough curves and velocities of saline tracer from ground penetrating radar monitoring experiments in fractured rock
PL Giertzuch, A Shakas, J Doetsch, B Brixel, M Jalali, H Maurer
Energies 14 (10), 2949, 2021
A multi-scale approach toward understanding the hydraulic characteristics of the stimulated fractured crystalline rock
MR Jalali, B Brixel, M Klepikova, V Gischig, J Doetsch, F Amann
44th Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, 2017
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Articles 1–20