A B Rajendra
A B Rajendra
Professor & Head,IS&E,VVCE, Mysuru-2
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Cited by
Exploratory analysis of credit card fraud detection using machine learning techniques
MJ Madhurya, HL Gururaj, BC Soundarya, KP Vidyashree, AB Rajendra
Global Transitions Proceedings 3 (1), 31-37, 2022
Self-driving cars: An overview of various autonomous driving systems
V Shreyas, SN Bharadwaj, S Srinidhi, KU Ankith, AB Rajendra
Advances in Data and Information Sciences: Proceedings of ICDIS 2019, 361-371, 2020
Visual Cryptography in Internet Voting System
A B Rajendra and H S Sheshadri
IEEE International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, LONDON,UK …, 2013
Electronic Medical Report Security Using Visual Secret Sharing Scheme
AB Rajendra, HS Sheshadri
Computer Modelling and Simulation (UKSim), 2013 UKSim 15th International …, 2013
Electronic Medical Report Security Using Visual Secret Sharing Scheme
AB Rajendra, HS Sheshadri
IEEE International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation, Cambridge …, 2013
An improvised sentiment analysis model on twitter data using stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimization algorithm in stochastic gate neural network (SGNN)
KP Vidyashree, AB Rajendra
SN computer science 4 (2), 190, 2023
Areca nut disease detection using image processing
AB Rajendra, N Rajkumar, PD Shetty
Soft Computing: Theories and Applications: Proceedings of SoCTA 2019, 925-931, 2020
A tweet sentiment classification approach using an ensemble classifier
KP Vidyashree, AB Rajendra, HL Gururaj, V Ravi, M Krichen
International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering 5, 170-177, 2024
H2M communication for home appliances automation using android application
N Rajkumar, AB Rajendra, V Vinod
Procedia Computer Science 167, 2561-2569, 2020
Secret Code Authentication Using Enhanced Visual Cryptography
AB Rajendra, HS Sheshadri
Emerging Research in Electronics, Computer Science and Technology, 69-76, 2014
E-learning web accessibility framework for deaf/blind Kannada-speaking disabled people
AB Rajendra, N Rajkumar, SN Bhat, TR Suhas, SPN Joshi
Proceedings of ICRIC 2019: Recent Innovations in Computing, 595-604, 2020
Exploratory analysis of credit card fraud detection using machine learning techniques. Global Transitions Proceedings 3 (1), 31–37 (2022)
MJ Madhurya, HL Gururaj, BC Soundarya, KP Vidyashree, AB Rajendra
A new approach to analyze visual secret sharing schemes for biometric authentication-a Survey
AB Rajendra, HS Sheshadri
International Journal in Foundations of Computer Science & Technology …, 2013
A Study on Visual Secret Sharing Schemes Using Biometirc Aurthentication
AB Rajendra, HS Sheshadri
National Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology, 157-160, 2012
A Study on Visual Secret Sharing Schemes Using Biometric Authentication Techniques
AB Rajendra, HS Sheshadri
Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology 1 (1), 157-160, 2012
Accessibility evaluation of private and public websites in India
AB Rajendra, N Rajkumar, Prafulla, MR Naveenkumar
Soft Computing: Theories and Applications: Proceedings of SoCTA 2018, 869-877, 2020
Analysis of preventive measures against ddos attacks in smart grid
HL Gururaj, BH Swathi, R Trupti, UR Darshan, AB Rajendra, ...
Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B 104 (1), 297-303, 2023
Routing in hybrid software defined networking using hop-count approach
K Rohitaksha, AB Rajendra, J Mohan
Int. J. Wirel. Microwave Technol.(IJWMT) 12 (3), 54-60, 2022
Enhanced Visual Secret Sharing For Graphical Password Authentication
AB Rajendra, HS Sheshadri
Fourth International Conference on Graphic & Image Processing,SINGAPORE …, 2012
Review on the proportional study of segmentation techniques for iris acknowledgment
CD Divya, AB Rajendra
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1913 (1), 012096, 2021
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Articles 1–20