Joseph Kasprzyk
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Cited by
Evolutionary algorithms and other metaheuristics in water resources: current status, research challenges and future directions
HR Maier, Z Kapelan, J Kasprzyk, J Kollat, LS Matott, MC Cunha, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 62, 271-299, 2014
Evolutionary multiobjective optimization in water resources: The past, present, and future
PM Reed, D Hadka, JD Herman, JR Kasprzyk, JB Kollat
Advances in Water Resources 51, 438-456, 2013
Many objective robust decision making for complex environmental systems undergoing change
JR Kasprzyk, S Nataraj, PM Reed, RJ Lempert
Environmental Modelling & Software 42, 55-71, 2013
Managing population and drought risks using many‐objective water portfolio planning under uncertainty
JR Kasprzyk, PM Reed, BR Kirsch, GW Characklis
Water Resources Research 45 (12), 2009
Many-objective de Novo water supply portfolio planning under deep uncertainty
JR Kasprzyk, PM Reed, GW Characklis, BR Kirsch
Environmental Modelling & Software 34, 87-104, 2012
Optimal design of water distribution systems using many-objective visual analytics
G Fu, Z Kapelan, JR Kasprzyk, P Reed
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 139 (6), 624-633, 2013
A comparison of machine learning methods for predicting the compressive strength of field-placed concrete
MA DeRousseau, E Laftchiev, JR Kasprzyk, B Rajagopalan, WV Srubar III
Construction and Building Materials 228, 116661, 2019
Many-objective optimization and visual analytics reveal key trade-offs for London’s water supply
ES Matrosov, I Huskova, JR Kasprzyk, JJ Harou, C Lambert, PM Reed
Journal of Hydrology 531, 1040-1053, 2015
A new epsilon-dominance hierarchical Bayesian optimization algorithm for large multiobjective monitoring network design problems
JB Kollat, PM Reed, JR Kasprzyk
Advances in Water Resources 31 (5), 828-845, 2008
Navigating financial and supply reliability tradeoffs in regional drought management portfolios
HB Zeff, JR Kasprzyk, JD Herman, PM Reed, GW Characklis
Water Resources Research 50 (6), 4906-4923, 2014
Water resources management: the myth, the wicked, and the future
PM Reed, J Kasprzyk
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 135 (6), 411-413, 2009
Exploring cooperative transboundary river management strategies for the Eastern Nile Basin
KG Wheeler, JW Hall, GM Abdo, SJ Dadson, JR Kasprzyk, R Smith, ...
Water resources research 54 (11), 9224-9254, 2018
Incorporating deeply uncertain factors into the many objective search process
AA Watson, JR Kasprzyk
Environmental Modelling & Software 89, 159-171, 2017
Screening robust water infrastructure investments and their trade-offs under global change: A London example
I Huskova, ES Matrosov, JJ Harou, JR Kasprzyk, C Lambert
Global Environmental Change 41, 216-227, 2016
An iterative approach to multi-objective engineering design: Optimization of engineered injection and extraction for enhanced groundwater remediation
AN Piscopo, JR Kasprzyk, RM Neupauer
Environmental Modelling & Software 69, 253-261, 2015
Battling arrow’s paradox to discover robust water management alternatives
JR Kasprzyk, PM Reed, DM Hadka
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 142 (2), 04015053, 2016
Hydrological model application under data scarcity for multiple watersheds, Java Island, Indonesia
B Livneh, B Rajagopalan, J Kasprzyk
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 9, 127-139, 2017
Estimating the Impacts of Climate Change and Population Growth on Flood Discharges in the United States
JB Kollat, JR Kasprzyk, WO Thomas Jr, AC Miller, D Divoky
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 138 (5), 442-452, 2012
Parasol: an open source, interactive parallel coordinates library for multi-objective decision making
WJ Raseman, J Jacobson, JR Kasprzyk
Environmental Modelling & Software 116, 153-163, 2019
Embedding co-production and addressing uncertainty in watershed modeling decision-support tools: Successes and challenges
BL Barnhart, HE Golden, JR Kasprzyk, JJ Pauer, CE Jones, KA Sawicz, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 109, 368-379, 2018
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Articles 1–20