April Chiung-Tao Shen
April Chiung-Tao Shen
Distinguished Professor, National Taiwan University
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Cited by
Predictors of dating violence among Chinese adolescents: The role of gender-role beliefs and justification of violence
ACT Shen, MYL Chiu, J Gao
Journal of interpersonal violence 27 (6), 1066-1089, 2012
How to safely reopen colleges and universities during COVID-19: experiences from Taiwan
SY Cheng, CJ Wang, ACT Shen, SC Chang
Annals of internal medicine 173 (8), 638-641, 2020
Associations between child maltreatment, PTSD, and internet addiction among Taiwanese students
YP Hsieh, ACT Shen, HS Wei, JY Feng, SCY Huang, HL Hwa
Computers in Human Behavior 56, 209-214, 2016
Long-term effects of interparental violence and child physical maltreatment experiences on PTSD and behavior problems: A national survey of Taiwanese college students
ACT Shen
Child abuse & neglect 33 (3), 148-160, 2009
Self-esteem of young adults experiencing interparental violence and child physical maltreatment: Parental and peer relationships as mediators
ACT Shen
Journal of interpersonal violence 24 (5), 770-794, 2009
The effects of peer victimization on children’s internet addiction and psychological distress: The moderating roles of emotional and social intelligence
YP Hsieh, HS Wei, HL Hwa, ACT Shen, JY Feng, CY Huang
Journal of Child and Family Studies 28, 2487-2498, 2019
Cultural barriers to help-seeking among Taiwanese female victims of dating violence
ACT Shen
Journal of interpersonal violence 26 (7), 1343-1365, 2011
Relationships between parent-reported parenting, child-perceived parenting, and children’s mental health in Taiwanese children
CY Huang, YP Hsieh, ACT Shen, HS Wei, JY Feng, HL Hwa, JY Feng
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (6), 1049, 2019
Associations between child maltreatment, dysfunctional family environment, post-traumatic stress disorder and children’s bullying perpetration in a national representative …
YP Hsieh, ACT Shen, HL Hwa, HS Wei, JY Feng, SCY Huang
Journal of family violence 36, 27-36, 2021
Internet addiction: A closer look at multidimensional parenting practices and child mental health
YP Hsieh, ACT Shen, HS Wei, JY Feng, SCY Huang, HL Hwa
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 21 (12), 768-773, 2018
Dating violence and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in Taiwanese college students: The roles of cultural beliefs
ACT Shen
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 29 (4), 635-658, 2014
Childhood poly-victimization and children’s health: A nationally representative study
JY Feng, YP Hsieh, HL Hwa, CY Huang, HS Wei, ACT Shen
Child Abuse & Neglect 91, 88-94, 2019
Factors in the marital relationship in a changing society: A Taiwan case study
ACT Shen
International Social Work 48 (3), 325-340, 2005
Beyond burden: Two ways of looking at caregiving burden
JR Reinardy, RA Kane, S Huck, KT Call, CT Shen
Research on Aging 21 (1), 106-127, 1999
Romantic involvement and adolescents' academic and psychosocial functioning in Chinese societies
X Li, CYS Huang, ACT Shen
Children and Youth Services Review 96, 108-117, 2019
暴力的童年, 堅韌的青年: 目睹婚暴暨受虐青年復原力之探討
中華輔導與諮商學報 27, 115-160, 2010
Cultural perspectives on parenting, emotional intelligence and mental health in Taiwanese children
CY Huang, A Chiung, T Shen, YP Hsieh, JY Feng
Multidimensional victimization and internet addiction among Taiwanese children
YP Hsieh, ACT Shen, HS Wei, JY Feng, SC Huang, HL Hwa
Chinese Journal of Psychology 58 (4), 217-231, 2016
Ecological predictors and trajectory of internet addiction from childhood through adolescence: A nationally representative longitudinal study
YP Hsieh, HL Hwa, ACT Shen, HS Wei, JY Feng, CY Huang
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (12), 6253, 2021
Who gets protection? A national study of multiple victimization and child protection among Taiwanese children
ACT Shen, JY Feng, JY Feng, HS Wei, YP Hsieh, SCY Huang, HL Hwa
Journal of interpersonal violence, 0886260516670885, 2019
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Articles 1–20