O  P  Verma
Cited by
Cited by
A novel optimal fuzzy system for color image enhancement using bacterial foraging
M Hanmandlu, OP Verma, NK Kumar, M Kulkarni
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 58 (8), 2867-2879, 2009
An effective collaborative movie recommender system with cuckoo search
R Katarya, OP Verma
Egyptian Informatics Journal 18 (2), 105-112, 2017
Fuzzy-contextual contrast enhancement
AS Parihar, OP Verma, C Khanna
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 26 (4), 1810-1819, 2017
Opposition and dimensional based modified firefly algorithm
OP Verma, D Aggarwal, T Patodi
Expert Systems with Applications 44, 168-176, 2016
Recommender system with grey wolf optimizer and FCM
R Katarya, OP Verma
Neural Computing and Applications 30, 1679-1687, 2018
A collaborative recommender system enhanced with particle swarm optimization technique
R Katarya, OP Verma
Multimedia Tools and Applications 75, 9225-9239, 2016
A novel bacterial foraging technique for edge detection
OP Verma, M Hanmandlu, P Kumar, S Chhabra, A Jindal
Pattern recognition letters 32 (8), 1187-1196, 2011
An optimal fuzzy system for edge detection in color images using bacterial foraging algorithm
OP Verma, AS Parihar
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy systems 25 (1), 114-127, 2016
High dynamic range optimal fuzzy color image enhancement using artificial ant colony system
OP Verma, P Kumar, M Hanmandlu, S Chhabra
Applied Soft Computing 12 (1), 394-404, 2012
A simple single seeded region growing algorithm for color image segmentation using adaptive thresholding
OP Verma, M Hanmandlu, S Susan, M Kulkarni, PK Jain
2011 International Conference on Communication Systems and Network …, 2011
An efficient copy move forgery detection using deep learning feature extraction and matching algorithm
R Agarwal, OP Verma
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79 (11), 7355-7376, 2020
Efficient music recommender system using context graph and particle swarm
R Katarya, OP Verma
Multimedia Tools and Applications 77, 2673-2687, 2018
Contrast enhancement using entropy‐based dynamic sub‐histogram equalisation
AS Parihar, OP Verma
IET Image Processing 10 (11), 799-808, 2016
Brain tumor segmentation: A performance analysis using K-Means, Fuzzy C-Means and Region growing algorithm
H Hooda, OP Verma, T Singhal
2014 IEEE International Conference on advanced communications, control and …, 2014
An effective web page recommender system with fuzzy c-mean clustering
R Katarya, OP Verma
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 21481-21496, 2017
Recent developments in affective recommender systems
R Katarya, OP Verma
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 461, 182-190, 2016
Color segmentation by fuzzy co-clustering of chrominance color features
M Hanmandlu, OP Verma, S Susan, VK Madasu
Neurocomputing 120, 235-249, 2013
A novel fuzzy system for edge detection in noisy image using bacterial foraging
OP Verma, M Hanmandlu, AK Sultania, AS Parihar
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 24, 181-198, 2013
Effectual recommendations using artificial algae algorithm and fuzzy c-mean
R Katarya, OP Verma
Swarm and evolutionary computation 36, 52-61, 2017
A novel fuzzy ant system for edge detection
OP Verma, M Hanmandlu, AK Sultania
2010 IEEE/ACIS 9th International Conference on Computer and Information …, 2010
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Articles 1–20