Holger Gärtner
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Cited by
Studying global change through investigation of the plastic responses of xylem anatomy in tree rings
P Fonti, G von Arx, I García‐González, B Eilmann, U Sass‐Klaassen, ...
New Phytologist 185 (1), 42-53, 2010
Microscopic Preparation Techniques for Plant Stem Analysis
H Gärtner, F Schweingruber
Verlag Dr. Kessel, Remagen, 2013
The core-microtome: a new tool for surface preparation on cores and time series analysis of varying cell parameters
H Gärtner, D Nievergelt
Dendrochronologia 28 (2), 85-92, 2010
Tree roots—methodological review and new development in dating and quantifying erosive processes
H Gärtner
Geomorphology 86 (3-4), 243-251, 2007
New perspectives for wood anatomical analysis in dendrosciences: the GSL1-microtome
H Gärtner, S Lucchinetti, FH Schweingruber
Dendrochronologia 32 (1), 47-51, 2014
400 years of debris-flow activity and triggering weather conditions: Ritigraben, Valais, Switzerland
M Stoffel, I Lièvre, D Conus, MA Grichting, H Raetzo, HW Gärtner, ...
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 37 (3), 387-395, 2005
Determination of erosion rates by analyzing structural changes in the growth pattern of exposed roots.
H Gärtner, FH Schweingruber, R Dikau
Principles of semantic modeling of landform structures
M Dehn, H Gärtner, R Dikau
Computers & Geosciences 27 (8), 1005-1010, 2001
Scientific merits and analytical challenges of tree‐ring densitometry
J Björklund, G von Arx, D Nievergelt, R Wilson, J Van den Bulcke, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 57 (4), 1224-1264, 2019
Tree-ring features: indicators of extreme event impacts
A Bräuning, M De Ridder, N Zafirov, I García-González, DP Dimitrov, ...
Iawa Journal 37 (2), 206-231, 2016
Temperature modulates intra-plant growth of Salix polaris from a high Arctic site (Svalbard)
A Buchwal, G Rachlewicz, P Fonti, P Cherubini, H Gärtner
Polar Biology 36, 1305-1318, 2013
Application of eccentric growth of trees as a tool for landslide analyses: The example of Picea abies Karst. in the Carpathian and Sudeten Mountains (Central Europe)
M Wistuba, I Malik, H Gärtner, P Kojs, P Owczarek
Catena 111, 41-55, 2013
New tree-ring evidence from the Pyrenees reveals Western Mediterranean climate variability since medieval times
U Büntgen, PJ Krusic, A Verstege, G Sangüesa-Barreda, S Wagner, ...
Journal of Climate 30 (14), 5295-5318, 2017
A technical perspective in modern tree-ring research-how to overcome dendroecological and wood anatomical challenges
H Gärtner, P Cherubini, P Fonti, G von Arx, L Schneider, D Nievergelt, ...
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 52337, 2015
Application of ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) roots to determine erosion rates in mountain torrents
OM Hitz, H Gärtner, I Heinrich, M Monbaron
Catena 72 (2), 248-258, 2008
Olive tree-ring problematic dating: a comparative analysis on Santorini (Greece)
P Cherubini, T Humbel, H Beeckman, H Gaertner, D Mannes, C Pearson, ...
PloS one 8 (1), e54730, 2013
The advantage of using a starch based non-Newtonian fluid to prepare micro sections
L Schneider, H Gärtner
Dendrochronologia 31 (3), 175-178, 2013
A new sledge microtome to combine wood anatomy and tree-ring ecology
H Gärtner, S Lucchinetti, FH Schweingruber
IAWA-Journal 36 (4), 452-459, 2015
A tree ring reconstruction of climatic extreme years since 1427 AD for Western Central Asia
J Esper, K Treydte, H Gartner, B Neuwirth
Journal of Palaeosciences 50 (1-3)), 141-152, 2001
Tracing the origin of Arctic driftwood
L Hellmann, W Tegel, Ó Eggertsson, FH Schweingruber, R Blanchette, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 118 (1), 68-76, 2013
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Articles 1–20