Sabine Joseph
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Cited by
Rapid forgetting prevented by retrospective attention cues.
Y Pertzov, PM Bays, S Joseph, M Husain
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 39 (5 …, 2013
A Brain System for Auditory Working Memory
TDG S Kumar, S Joseph, PE Gander, N Barascud, AR Halpern
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (16), 4492– 4505, 2016
Resource allocation and prioritization in auditory working memory
S Kumar, S Joseph, B Pearson, S Teki, Z Fox, M Husain
Cognitive Neuroscience, 2012
Precision of working memory for speech sounds
S Joseph, P Iverson, S Manohar, Z Fox, S Scott, M Husain
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2015
Resource allocation models of auditory working memory
TDG S Joseph, S Teki, S Kumar, M Husain
Brain Research, 2016
Auditory working memory for objects vs. features
S Joseph, S Kumar, M Husain, TD Griffiths
Frontiers in neuroscience 9, 13, 2015
The Brain’s Dorsal Route for Speech Represents Word Meaning: Evidence from Gesture
G Josse, S Joseph, E Bertasi, AL Giraud
PLOS ONE 7 (9), 1-12, 2012
Resource allocation and prioritization in auditory working memory. Cognitive Neuroscience, 4 (1), 12–20
S Kumar, S Joseph, B Pearson, S Teki, ZV Fox, TD Griffiths, M Husain
Does visual flicker phase at gamma frequency modulate neural signal propagation and stimulus selection?
M Bauer, T Akam, S Joseph, E Freeman, J Driver
Journal of vision 12 (4), 5-5, 2012
Jos J. Eggermont. Auditory Temporal Processing and Its Disorders
S Joseph
Perception 44 (12), 1431-1433, 2015
Rapid forgetting due to binding failures in working memory
Y Pertzov, S Joseph, M Dong, E Reunis, MP Bays, M Husain
Journal of Vision 12 (9), 288-288, 2012
Does visual flicker phase at gamma frequency
M Bauer, T Akam, S Joseph, E Freeman, J Driver
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Articles 1–12