Thomas Heaton
Thomas Heaton
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Inversion of strong ground motion and teleseismic waveform data for the fault rupture history of the 1979 Imperial Valley, California, earthquake
SH Hartzell, TH Heaton
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 73 (6A), 1553-1583, 1983
Near-source ground motion and its effects on flexible buildings
JF Hall, TH Heaton, MW Halling, DJ Wald
Earthquake spectra 11 (4), 569-605, 1995
Relationships between peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, and modified Mercalli intensity in California
DJ Wald, V Quitoriano, TH Heaton, H Kanamori
Earthquake spectra 15 (3), 557-564, 1999
Evidence for and implications of self-healing pulses of slip in earthquake rupture
TH Heaton
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 64 (1), 1-20, 1990
Spatial and temporal distribution of slip for the 1992 Landers, California, earthquake
DJ Wald, TH Heaton
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 84 (3), 668-691, 1994
TriNet “ShakeMaps”: Rapid generation of peak ground motion and intensity maps for earthquakes in southern California
DJ Wald, V Quitoriano, TH Heaton, H Kanamori, CW Scrivner, CB Worden
Earthquake Spectra 15 (3), 537-555, 1999
The slip history of the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake determined from strong-motion, teleseismic, GPS, and leveling data
DJ Wald, TH Heaton, KW Hudnut
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 86 (1B), S49-S70, 1996
Near-field investigations of the Landers earthquake sequence, April to July 1992
K Sieh, L Jones, E Hauksson, K Hudnut, D Eberhart-Phillips, T Heaton, ...
Science 260 (5105), 171-176, 1993
Generalized seismic phase detection with deep learning
ZE Ross, MA Meier, E Hauksson, TH Heaton
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 108 (5A), 2894-2901, 2018
Response of High-Rise and Base-Isolated Buildings to a Hypothetical Mw 7.0 Blind Thrust Earthquake
TH Heaton, JF Hall, DJ Wald, MW Halling
Science 267 (5195), 206-211, 1995
The observed wander of the natural frequencies in a structure
JF Clinton, SC Bradford, TH Heaton, J Favela
Bulletin of the seismological society of America 96 (1), 237-257, 2006
Determination of earthquake energy release and ML using TERRAscope
H Kanamori, JIM Mori, E Hauksson, TH Heaton, LK Hutton, LM Jones
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 83 (2), 330-346, 1993
Microscopic and macroscopic physics of earthquakes
H Kanamori, TH Heaton
Geocomplexity and the Physics of Earthquakes 120, 147-163, 2000
Rupture model of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake from the inversion of strong-motion and broadband teleseismic data
DJ Wald, DV Helmberger, TH Heaton
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 81 (5), 1540-1572, 1991
Tidal triggering of earthquakes
TH Heaton
Geophysical Journal International 43 (2), 307-326, 1975
Frictional melting during the rupture of the 1994 Bolivian earthquake
H Kanamori, DL Anderson, TH Heaton
Science 279 (5352), 839-842, 1998
Estimating ground motions using recorded accelerograms
TH Heaton, F Tajima, AW Mori
Surveys in Geophysics 8 (1), 25-83, 1986
Rupture history of the 1984 Morgan Hill, California, earthquake from the inversion of strong motion records
SH Hartzell, TH Heaton
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 76 (3), 649-674, 1986
Seismic potential associated with subduction in the northwestern United States
TH Heaton, H Kanamori
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 74 (3), 933-941, 1984
Earthquake hazards on the Cascadia subduction zone
TH Heaton, SH Hartzell
Science 236 (4798), 162-168, 1987
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