Pascal Kosuth
Pascal Kosuth
Agropolis Fondation
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Floodplain hydrology in an Amazon floodplain lake (Lago Grande de Curuaí)
MP Bonnet, G Barroux, JM Martinez, F Seyler, P Moreira-Turcq, ...
Journal of hydrology 349 (1-2), 18-30, 2008
Temporal dynamics of water and sediment exchanges between the Curuaí floodplain and the Amazon River, Brazil
LM Bourgoin, MP Bonnet, JM Martinez, P Kosuth, G Cochonneau, ...
Journal of Hydrology 335 (1-2), 140-156, 2007
Temporal variations of river basin waters from Topex/Poseidon satellite altimetry. Application to the Amazon basin
I de Oliveira Campos, F Mercier, C Maheu, G Cochonneau, P Kosuth, ...
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences-Series IIA-Earth and Planetary …, 2001
Agrarian landscapes linear features detection from LiDAR: application to artificial drainage networks
JS Bailly, P Lagacherie, C Millier, C Puech, P Kosuth
International Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (12), 3489-3508, 2008
Sea‐tide effects on flows in the lower reaches of the Amazon River
P Kosuth, J Callede, A Laraque, N Filizola, JL Guyot, P Seyler, JM Fritsch, ...
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 23 (22), 3141-3150, 2009
Discharge determination by acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP): A moving bottom error correction method and its application on the River Amazon at Obidos
J Callede, P Kosuth, JL Loup, VS Guimarães
Hydrological Sciences Journal 45 (6), 911-924, 2000
Off-line simulation of the Amazon water balance: a sensitivity study with implications for GSWP
N Chapelon, H Douville, P Kosuth, T Oki
Climate Dynamics 19, 141-154, 2002
Relations between relative evapotranspiration and predawn leaf water potential in soybean grown in several locations
B Itier, D Flura, K Belabbes, P Kosuth, G Rana, L Figueiredo
Irrigation Science 13, 109-114, 1992
Estimating river discharge from earth observation measurements of river surface hydraulic variables
J Negrel, P Kosuth, N Bercher
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15 (6), 2049-2058, 2011
Improving the quantification of land cover pressure on stream ecological status at the riparian scale using High Spatial Resolution Imagery
T Tormos, P Kosuth, S Durrieu, B Villeneuve, JG Wasson
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 36 (12), 549-559, 2011
Etablissement de la relation hauteur-débit de l'Amazone à Óbidos: méthode de la dénivelée normale à “géométrie variable”
J Callede, P Kosuth, E de Oliveira
Hydrological sciences journal 46 (3), 451-463, 2001
Development and evaluation of canal automation algorithm CLIS
F Liu, J Feyen, PO Malaterre, JP Baume, P Kosuth
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 124 (1), 40-46, 1998
Multivariate optimal control for on-demand operation of irrigation canals
S Sawadogo, PO Malaterre, P Kosuth
International Journal of Systems Science 26 (1), 161-178, 1995
Object-based image analysis for operational fine-scale regional mapping of land cover within river corridors from multispectral imagery and thematic data
T Tormos, P Kosuth, S Durrieu, S Dupuy, B Villeneuve, JG Wasson
International journal of remote sensing 33 (14), 4603-4633, 2012
Techniques de régulation automatique des systèmes complexes: application aux systèmes hydrauliques à surface libre
P Kosuth
Space techniques used to measure change in terrestrial waters
A Cazenave, PCD Milly, H Douville, J Benveniste, P Kosuth, ...
EOS Transactions 85 (6), 59-59, 2004
Caractéristiques hydrologiques du bassin amazonien
JL Guyot, J Callède, G Cochonneau, N Filizola, V Guimarães, P Kosuth, ...
International Symposium on hydrological and geochemical processes in large …, 1999
The free-water pond under a trickle source: a field test of existing theories
P Revol, BE Clothier, P Kosuth, G Vachaud
Irrigation Science 16, 169-173, 1996
Contribution de la télédétection à l’évaluation des fonctions des zones humides: de l’observation à la modélisation prospective
S Rapinel
Université Rennes 2, 2012
Establishment of an altimetric reference network over the Amazon Basin using satellite radar altimetry (Topex Poseidon)
P Kosuth, D Blitzkow, G Cochonneau
ESA Special Publication 614, 68, 2006
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Articles 1–20