Ralph Buehler
Ralph Buehler
Professor in Urban Affairs and Planning, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
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Making cycling irresistible: lessons from the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany
J Pucher, R Buehler
Transport reviews 28 (4), 495-528, 2008
Walking, cycling, and obesity rates in Europe, North America, and Australia
DR Bassett, J Pucher, R Buehler, DL Thompson, SE Crouter
Journal of physical activity and health 5 (6), 795-814, 2008
Bicycling renaissance in North America? An update and re-appraisal of cycling trends and policies
J Pucher, R Buehler, M Seinen
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 45 (6), 451-475, 2011
Walking and cycling to health: a comparative analysis of city, state, and international data
J Pucher, R Buehler, DR Bassett, AL Dannenberg
American journal of public health 100 (10), 1986-1992, 2010
City cycling
J Pucher, R Buehler
MIT press, 2012
Cycling to work in 90 large American cities: new evidence on the role of bike paths and lanes
R Buehler, J Pucher
Transportation 39, 409-432, 2012
Determinants of transport mode choice: a comparison of Germany and the USA
R Buehler
Journal of transport geography 19 (4), 644-657, 2011
Bikeway networks: A review of effects on cycling
R Buehler, J Dill
Transport reviews 36 (1), 9-27, 2016
Cycling towards a more sustainable transport future
J Pucher, R Buehler
Transport reviews 37 (6), 689-694, 2017
Why Canadians cycle more than Americans: a comparative analysis of bicycling trends and policies
J Pucher, R Buehler
Transport Policy 13 (3), 265-279, 2006
Reducing car dependence in the heart of Europe: lessons from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
R Buehler, J Pucher, R Gerike, T Götschi
Transport reviews 37 (1), 4-28, 2017
Travel trends among young adults in Germany: increasing multimodality and declining car use for men
T Kuhnimhof, R Buehler, M Wirtz, D Kalinowska
Journal of Transport Geography 24, 443-450, 2012
Are bikeshare users different from regular cyclists? A first look at short-term users, annual members, and area cyclists in the Washington, DC, region
D Buck, R Buehler, P Happ, B Rawls, P Chung, N Borecki
Transportation research record 2387 (1), 112-119, 2013
COVID-19 impacts on cycling, 2019–2020
R Buehler, J Pucher
Transport Reviews 41 (4), 393-400, 2021
Men shape a downward trend in car use among young adults—evidence from six industrialized countries
T Kuhnimhof, J Armoogum, R Buehler, J Dargay, JM Denstadli, ...
Transport Reviews 32 (6), 761-779, 2012
Walking and cycling in the United States, 2001–2009: evidence from the National Household Travel Surveys
J Pucher, R Buehler, D Merom, A Bauman
American Journal of Public Health 101 (S1), 2011
Sustainable transport in Freiburg: lessons from Germany's environmental capital
R Buehler, J Pucher
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 5 (1), 43-70, 2011
Cycling for everyone: lessons from Europe
J Pucher, R Buehler
Transportation research record 2074 (1), 58-65, 2008
Pedestrians and e-scooters: An initial look at e-scooter parking and perceptions by riders and non-riders
O James, JI Swiderski, J Hicks, D Teoman, R Buehler
Sustainability 11 (20), 5591, 2019
Determinants of Bicycle Commuting in the Washington, D.C. Region: The Role of Bicycle Parking, Cyclist Showers, and Free Car Parking at Work
R Buehler
Transportation Research Part D 17 (7), 525-531, 2012
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Articles 1–20