Józef Hernik
Józef Hernik
Doktor habilitowany ochrony i kształtowania środowiska, Uniwersytet Rolniczy
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Cited by
Land use and land cover changes in post-socialist countries: Some observations from Hungary and Poland
K Cegielska, T Noszczyk, A Kukulska, M Szylar, J Hernik, R Dixon-Gough, ...
Land use policy 78, 1-18, 2018
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the importance of urban green spaces to the public
T Noszczyk, J Gorzelany, A Kukulska-Kozieł, J Hernik
Land use policy 113, 105925, 2022
Social and economic conflicts between cultural landscapes and rural communities in the English and Polish systems
J Hernik, K Gawroński, R Dixon-Gough
Land Use Policy 30 (1), 800-813, 2013
Determining Changes in Land Use Structure in Małopolska Using Statistical Methods.
T Noszczyk, A Rutkowska, J Hernik
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 26 (1), 2017
Towards three decades of spatial development transformation in two contrasting post-Soviet cities—Kraków and Budapest
A Kukulska-Kozieł, M Szylar, K Cegielska, T Noszczyk, J Hernik, ...
Land use policy 85, 328-339, 2019
Towards a better understanding of the variables that influence renewable energy sources in eastern Poland
J Hernik, T Noszczyk, A Rutkowska
Journal of Cleaner Production 241, 118075, 2019
Spatial planning in the United States of America and Poland
K Gawronski, K Van Assche, J Hernik
Infrastruktura i ekologia terenow wiejskich, 2010
Exploring the land use changes in Eastern Poland: statistics-based modeling
T Noszczyk, A Rutkowska, J Hernik
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 26 (1), 255-282, 2020
Agroecosystem energy metabolism in Czechia and Poland in the two decades after the fall of communism: From a centrally planned system to market oriented mode of production
P Grešlová, P Štych, T Salata, J Hernik, I Knížková, I Bičík, L Jeleček, ...
Land Use Policy 82, 807-820, 2019
Transformation und landschaft: Die folgen sozialer wandlungsprozesse auf landschaft
O Kühne, K Gawroński, J Hernik
Springer-Verlag, 2015
Crows and ravens as indicators of socioeconomic and cultural changes in urban areas
K Król, J Hernik
Sustainability 12 (24), 10231, 2020
Digital folklore of rural tourism in Poland
K Król, J Hernik
Sustainability 14 (3), 1165, 2022
Understanding the cadastre in rural areas in Poland after the socio-political transformation
T Noszczyk, J Hernik
Journal of spatial science 64 (1), 73-95, 2019
The innovation process in local development–the material, institutional, and intellectual infrastructure shaping and shaped by innovation
M Gorzelany-Dziadkowiec, J Gorzelany, G Stauskis, J Hernik, ...
Technological and Economic Development of Economy 25 (6), 1232-1258, 2019
Expressing carbon storage in economic terms: The case of the upper Omo Gibe Basin in Ethiopia
AB Aneseyee, T Soromessa, E Elias, T Noszczyk, J Hernik, NE Benti
Science of The Total Environment 808, 152166, 2022
The scarecrow as an indicator of changes in the cultural heritage of rural Poland
K Król, R Kao, J Hernik
Sustainability 11 (23), 6857, 2019
Renewable Energy and Rural Autonomy: A Case Study with Generalizations.
F Woch, J Hernik, HJ Linke, E Sankowski, M Bęczkowska, T Noszczyk
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 26 (6), 2017
Modernization of the land and property register
T Noszczyk, J Hernik
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Formatio Circumiectus 15 (1), 3, 2016
Planowanie przestrzenne w RFN
J Hernik, G Olejniczak
Oficyna Wydawnicza" Branta", 2006
Potrzeba uwzględniania walorów krajobrazu kulturowego w zarządzaniu gminą wiejską
J Hernik
Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego, 2008
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Articles 1–20