Rosula SJ. Reyes
Rosula SJ. Reyes
Associate Professor, Ateneo de Manila University
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Precision agriculture monitoring system using wireless sensor network and Raspberry Pi local server
KO Flores, IM Butaslac, JEM Gonzales, SMG Dumlao, RSJ Reyes
2016 IEEE region 10 conference (TENCON), 3018-3021, 2016
Aquaponics ph level, temperature, and dissolved oxygen monitoring and control system using raspberry pi as network backbone
JP Mandap, D Sze, GN Reyes, SM Dumlao, R Reyes, WYD Chung
TENCON 2018-2018 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1381-1386, 2018
Emotion recognition via facial expression: utilization of numerous feature descriptors in different machine learning algorithms
JCT Kwong, FCC Garcia, PAR Abu, RSJ Reyes
TENCON 2018-2018 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2045-2049, 2018
Machine learning analysis for remote prenatal care
JM Bautista, QAI Quiwa, RSJ Reyes
2020 IEEE region 10 conference (tencon), 397-402, 2020
Brain-computer interface and voice-controlled 3d printed prosthetic hand
CM Oppus, JRR Prado, JC Escobar, JAG Mariņas, RSJ Reyes
2016 IEEE region 10 conference (TENCON), 2689-2693, 2016
Simulation and FPGA-based implementation of iterative parallel schedulers for optical interconnection networks
I Cerutti, JA Corvera, SM Dumlao, R Reyes, P Castoldi, N Andriolli
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 9 (4), C76-C87, 2017
FPGA implementation of a telecommunications trainer system
RSJ Reyes, CM Oppus, JCN Monje, NS Patron, RC Guerrero, ...
International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing 2 (2), 174-180, 2008
Traffic sign detection and recognition for assistive driving
A Santos, PA Abu, C Oppus, R Reyes
2019 International Symposium on Multimedia and Communication Technology …, 2019
Automated lung auscultation identification for mobile health systems using machine learning
JHL Serato, R Reyes
2018 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Invention (ICASI), 287-290, 2018
Real-time traffic sign detection and recognition system for assistive driving
A Santos, PAR Abu, C Oppus, RSJ Reyes
Development of a Spectral Feature Extraction using Enhanced MFCC for Respiratory Sound Analysis
WEM Ingco, RSJ Reyes, PAR Abu
2019 International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC), 263-264, 2019
Development of an active balance training platform for a gamified physical rehabilitation
MGF Retirado, RSJ Reyes
2018 2nd European Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science …, 2018
Scheduling in multi-wavelength ring-based optical networks-on-chip
I Cerutti, MNA Acmad, R Reyes, P Castoldi, N Andriolli
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 10 (4), 322-331, 2018
A low power high CMRR CMOS instrumentation amplifier based on differential voltage–current conveyor for beta-dispersion range bio-impedance applications
AA Silverio, RSJ Reyes, WY Chung
Recent Researches in Circuits, Systems, Multimedia and Automatic Control, 31-36, 2012
Stress Detection in Video Feed: Utilizing Facial Action Units as Indicators in Various Machine Learning Algorithms
RG Llanes, R Reyes
2022 IEEE 4th Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and …, 2022
Hardware implementation of an iterative parallel scheduler for optical interconnection networks
JA Corvera, SMG Dumlao, R Reyes, P Castoldi, N Andriolli, I Cerutti
Photonic Networks and Devices, NeM3B. 4, 2016
Wireless power consumption monitoring and analysis system using Winter's forecasting method
DJR Enriquez, MLG Villanueva, SMG Dumlao, RSJ Reyes
TENCON 2015-2015 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1-6, 2015
Implementation of Zigbee-based and ISM-based wireless sensor and actuator network with throughput, power and cost comparisons
RSJ Reyes, JC Monje, MEC Santos, LA Mateo, RLG Espiritu, JV Isiderio, ...
WSEAS Transactions on Communications 9 (7), 395-405, 2010
FPGA-Based Digital Signal Processing Trainer
RS Reyes, CM Oppus, JCN Monje, NS Patron, RA Gonzales, JTB Fajardo
2009 WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering 5 …, 2009
FPGA-based implementation of two-step schedulers for modular optical interconnection networks
JC Borromeo, I Cerutti, P Castoldi, R Reyes, N Andriolli
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 13 (5), 116-125, 2021
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Articles 1–20