Joaquim Rigola
Joaquim Rigola
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Barcelona Tech (UPC)
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A finite-volume/level-set method for simulating two-phase flows on unstructured grids
N Balcázar, L Jofre, O Lehmkuhl, J Castro, J Rigola
International journal of multiphase flow 64, 55-72, 2014
A coupled volume-of-fluid/level-set method for simulation of two-phase flows on unstructured meshes
N Balcázar, O Lehmkuhl, L Jofre, J Rigola, A Oliva
Computers & Fluids 124, 12-29, 2016
Regional aerosol deposition in the human airways: The SimInhale benchmark case and a critical assessment of in silico methods
P Koullapis, SC Kassinos, J Muela, C Perez-Segarra, J Rigola, ...
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 113, 77-94, 2018
Multi-layered solid-PCM thermocline thermal storage concept for CSP plants. Numerical analysis and perspectives
PA Galione, CD Pérez-Segarra, I Rodríguez, A Oliva, J Rigola
Applied energy 142, 337-351, 2015
Detailed thermodynamic characterization of hermetic reciprocating compressors
CD Pérez-Segarra, J Rigola, M Soria, A Oliva
International Journal of Refrigeration 28 (4), 579-593, 2005
Two-phase flow distribution in multiple parallel tubes
N Ablanque, C Oliet, J Rigola, CD Pérez-Segarra, A Oliva
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 49 (6), 909-921, 2010
Numerical simulation and experimental validation of internal heat exchanger influence on CO2 trans-critical cycle performance
J Rigola, N Ablanque, CD Pérez-Segarra, A Oliva
International Journal of Refrigeration 33 (4), 664-674, 2010
A multiple marker level-set method for simulation of deformable fluid particles
N Balcázar, O Lehmkuhl, J Rigola, A Oliva
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 74, 125-142, 2015
Fixed-grid numerical modeling of melting and solidification using variable thermo-physical properties–Application to the melting of n-Octadecane inside a spherical capsule
PA Galione, O Lehmkuhl, J Rigola, A Oliva
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 86, 721-743, 2015
Multi-layered solid-PCM thermocline thermal storage for CSP. Numerical evaluation of its application in a 50 MWe plant
PA Galione, CD Pérez-Segarra, I Rodríguez, S Torras, J Rigola
Solar Energy 119, 134-150, 2015
Numerical simulation of double-pipe condensers and evaporators
O Garcıa-Valladares, CD Pérez-Segarra, J Rigola
International Journal of Refrigeration 27 (6), 656-670, 2004
Drain water heat recovery storage-type unit for residential housing
S Torras, C Oliet, J Rigola, A Oliva
Applied Thermal Engineering 103, 670-683, 2016
Numerical simulation and experimental validation of vapour compression refrigeration systems. Special emphasis on CO2 trans-critical cycles
J Rigola, G Raush, CD Pérez-Segarra, A Oliva
International Journal of Refrigeration 28 (8), 1225-1237, 2005
Parametric studies on hermetic reciprocating compressors
J Rigola, CD Perez-Segarra, A Oliva
International Journal of Refrigeration 28 (2), 253-266, 2005
A level-set model for thermocapillary motion of deformable fluid particles
N Balcázar, J Rigola, J Castro, A Oliva
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 62, 324-343, 2016
A new thermocline-PCM thermal storage concept for CSP plants. Numerical analysis and perspectives
PA Galione, CD Pérez-Segarra, I Rodríguez, O Lehmkuhl, J Rigola
Energy Procedia 49, 790-799, 2014
Numerical resolution of the liquid–vapour two-phase flow by means of the two-fluid model and a pressure based method
S Morales-Ruiz, J Rigola, I Rodriguez, A Oliva
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 43, 118-130, 2012
A level-set model for mass transfer in bubbly flows
N Balcázar-Arciniega, O Antepara, J Rigola, A Oliva
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 138, 335-356, 2019
First test field performance of highly efficient flat plate solar collectors with transparent insulation and low-cost overheating protection
D Kizildag, J Castro, H Kessentini, E Schillaci, J Rigola
Solar Energy 236, 239-248, 2022
Modeling and numerical simulation of the thermal and fluid dynamic behavior of hermetic reciprocating compressors—part 1: theoretical basis
CD Pérez-Segarra, J Rigola, A Oliva
HVAC&R Research 9 (2), 215-235, 2003
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Articles 1–20