Richard T. Carson
Richard T. Carson
Professor of Environmental Economics, UC San Diego
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Cited by
Using surveys to value public goods: the contingent valuation method
RC Mitchell, RT Carson
Resources for the Future, Washington DC, 1989
Economic valuation with stated preference techniques: A manual
IJ Bateman, RT Carson, B Day, M Hanemann, N Hanley, T Hett, ...
Edward Elgar, Cheltanham, UK, 2002
Contingent valuation: controversies and evidence
RT Carson, NE Flores, NF Meade
Environmental and resource economics 19, 173-210, 2001
Incentive and informational properties of preference questions
RT Carson, T Groves
Environmental and resource economics 37, 181-210, 2007
Contingent valuation: a user's guide
RT Carson
Environmental science & technology 34 (8), 1413-1418, 2000
Contingent Valuation and Revealed Preference Methodologies: Comparing the Estimates for Quasi-Public Goods
RT Carson, NE Flores, KM Martin, JL Wright
Land Economics 72 (1), 80-99, 1996
Contingent Valuation
RT Carson, WM Hanemann
Handbook of Environmental Economics 2, 821-936, 2005
Discrete choice experiments are not conjoint analysis
JJ Louviere, TN Flynn, RT Carson
Journal of choice modelling 3 (3), 57-72, 2010
The impact of" no opinion" response options on data quality: non-attitude reduction or an invitation to satisfice?
JA Krosnick, AL Holbrook, MK Berent, RT Carson, W Michael Hanemann, ...
Public Opinion Quarterly 66 (3), 371-403, 2002
The stated preference approach to environmental valuation: applications: benefit-cost analysis and natural resource damage assessment
RT Carson
Ashgate, 2007
Contingent valuation: A practical alternative when prices aren't available
RT Carson
Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2012
The value of clean water: the public's willingness to pay for boatable, fishable, and swimmable quality water
RT Carson, RC Mitchell
Water resources research 29 (7), 2445-2454, 1993
Forecasting the path of China's CO2 emissions using province-level information
M Auffhammer, RT Carson
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 55 (3), 229-247, 2008
A contingent valuation study of lost passive use values resulting from the Exxon Valdez oil spill: a report to the Attorney General of the State of Alaska
RT Carson, RC Mitchell, WM Hanemann, RJ Kopp, S Presser, PA Ruud
MPRA Paper, 1992
Experimental Analysis of Choice
RT Carson, JJ Louviere, DA Anderson, P Arabie, DS Bunch, DA Hensher, ...
Marketing Letters 5 (4), 351-367, 1994
Models for truncated counts
JT Grogger, RT Carson
Journal of applied econometrics 6 (3), 225-238, 1991
Contingent valuation: A comprehensive bibliography and history
R Carson
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011
The environmental Kuznets curve: seeking empirical regularity and theoretical structure
RT Carson
Review of environmental Economics and Policy, 2010
The relationship between air pollution emissions and income: US data
RT Carson, Y Jeon, DR McCubbin
Environment and Development Economics 2 (4), 433-450, 1997
Sequencing and nesting in contingent valuation surveys
RT Carson, RC Mitchell
Journal of environmental economics and Management 28 (2), 155-173, 1995
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Articles 1–20