CAI, Yuyang
CAI, Yuyang
Eastern Scholar Professor, School of Languages, Shanghai University of International Business and
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Cited by
Autonomy is equally important across East and West: Testing the cross-cultural universality of self-determination theory
MJN Nalipay, RB King, Y Cai*
Journal of Adolescence 78 (2020), 67-72, 2020
Exploring the interplay between socioeconomic status and reading achievement: An expectancy-value perspective
Yeung, S S. S., RB King, MJN Nalipay, Y Cai*
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 2022
Society-level social axiom moderates the association between growth mindset and achievement across cultures
ABI Bernardo, Y Cai*, RB King
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 2021
Personal investment theory: A multi-faceted framework to understand second and foreign language motivation
RB King, SSS Yeung, Y Cai
System, 2019
Why do girls do better in reading than boys? How parental emotional contagion explains gender differences in reading achievement
MJN Nalipay, Y Cai*, RB King
Psychology in the Schools 57 (2020), 310-319, 2020
Which comes first? Modeling the relationships among future goals, metacognitive strategies and academic achievement using multilevel cross-lagged SEM
Y Cai, RB King, W Law, DM McInerney
Learning and Individual Difference 74, 2019
Detecting the language thresholds of the effect of background knowledge on a Language for Specific Purposes reading performance: A case of the island ridge curve
Y Cai*, AJ Kunnan
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 42, 100795, 2019
Teachers’ Instruction of Reading Strategies and Primary School Students’ Reading Literacy: An Approach of Multilevel Structural Equation Modelling
J Yan, Y Cai*
Reading & Writing Quarterly, 2021
Income inequality is associated with heightened test anxiety and lower academic achievement: A cross-national study in 51 countries
R King, Y *Cai, A Elliot
Learning and Instruction, 2023
Subjective wellbeing and emotion regulation strategies: How are they associated with student engagement in online learning during Covid-19?
KCH Zhoc, Y Cai*, SS Yeung, J Shan
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 2022
Mapping the fluctuating effect of strategy use ability on English reading performance for nursing students: A multi-layered moderation analysis approach
Y Cai*, AJ Kunnan
Language Testing 37 (2), 280-304, 2020
Examining the inseparability of content knowledge from LSP reading ability: an approach combining bifactor-multidimensional item response theory and structural equation modeling
Y Cai*, AJ Kunnan
Language Assesment Quarterly, 2018
Emotional contagion: A cross-cultural exploration of how teachers’ enjoyment facilitates achievement via students’ enjoyment
Q Xie, R King, Y Cai*
Current Psychology, 2022
Perfectionism, self-compassion and test-related hope in Chinese primary school students
RW Fong, Y Cai*
Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 2019
The fluid relation between reading strategies and mathematics learning: A perspective of the Island Ridge Curve
Y Cai*, Y Yang
Learning and Individual Differences, 2022
Societal‐level utility value strengthens the relationship between student‐level utility value and achievement: A person‐culture fit perspective
RB King, Y Cai*, H Du
British Journal of Educational Psychology 91 (1), 328-346, 2021
Do secondary school-leaving English examination results predict university students’ academic writing performance? A latent profile analysis
KWH Yung, Y Cai*
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 2019
Learning strategies and reading literacy among Chinese and Finnish adolescents: evidence of suppression
Y Cai, X Zhu
Educational Psychology 37 (2), 192-204, 2017
Metacognitive strategies and self-efficacy co-shape L2 achievement: A multilevel structural equation modeling approach
Y Cai, C Zhao
System, 2023
The interplay between teacher empathy, students’ sense of school belonging, and learning achievement
Y Cai, Y *Yang, Q Ge, H Weng
European Journal of Psychology of Education, 2022
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