Mauro Sozio
Mauro Sozio
Professor of Computer Science at Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Telecom Paris
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The community-search problem and how to plan a successful cocktail party
M Sozio, A Gionis
Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2010
SOFIE: a self-organizing framework for information extraction
FM Suchanek, M Sozio, G Weikum
Proceedings of the 18th international conference on World wide web, 631-640, 2009
Star: Steiner-tree approximation in relationship graphs
G Kasneci, M Ramanath, M Sozio, FM Suchanek, G Weikum
2009 IEEE 25th International Conference on Data Engineering, 868-879, 2009
Listing k-cliques in sparse real-world graphs
M Danisch, O Balalau, M Sozio
Proceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference, 589-598, 2018
Fast hare: A fast heuristic for single individual SNP haplotype reconstruction
A Panconesi, M Sozio
International workshop on algorithms in bioinformatics, 266-277, 2004
Efficient densest subgraph computation in evolving graphs
A Epasto, S Lattanzi, M Sozio
Proceedings of the 24th international conference on world wide web, 300-310, 2015
AutoML: state of the art with a focus on anomaly detection, challenges, and research directions
M Bahri, F Salutari, A Putina, M Sozio
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics 14 (2), 113-126, 2022
Finding subgraphs with maximum total density and limited overlap
OD Balalau, F Bonchi, THH Chan, F Gullo, M Sozio
Proceedings of the Eighth ACM International Conference on Web Search and …, 2015
Large scale density-friendly graph decomposition via convex programming
M Danisch, THH Chan, M Sozio
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web, 233-242, 2017
Fully Dynamic k-Center Clustering
THH Chan, A Guerqin, M Sozio
Proceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference, 579-587, 2018
Social content matching in mapreduce
GDF Morales, A Gionis, M Sozio
arXiv preprint arXiv:1105.4256, 2011
Bridging the Terminology Gap in Web Archive Search.
K Berberich, SJ Bedathur, M Sozio, G Weikum
WebDB, 2009
Finding near neighbors through cluster pruning
F Chierichetti, A Panconesi, P Raghavan, M Sozio, A Tiberi, E Upfal
Proceedings of the twenty-sixth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on …, 2007
Kclist++: A simple algorithm for finding k-clique densest subgraphs in large graphs
B Sun, M Danisch, THH Chan, M Sozio
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), 2020
Finding events in temporal networks: segmentation meets densest subgraph discovery
P Rozenshtein, F Bonchi, A Gionis, M Sozio, N Tatti
Knowledge and Information Systems 62 (4), 1611-1639, 2020
Near-optimal dynamic replication in unstructured peer-to-peer networks
M Sozio, T Neumann, G Weikum
Proceedings of the twenty-seventh ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on …, 2008
Accurate spectral clustering for community detection in mapreduce
S Tsironis, M Sozio, M Vazirgiannis, L Poltechnique
Advances in neural information processing systems (NIPS) workshops 8, 2013
Resolving temporal conflicts in inconsistent RDF knowledge bases
M Dylla, M Sozio, M Theobald
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2011
A primal-dual bicriteria distributed algorithm for capacitated vertex cover
F Grandoni, J Könemann, A Panconesi, M Sozio
SIAM Journal on Computing 38 (3), 825-840, 2008
Finding heaviest k-subgraphs and events in social media
M Letsios, OD Balalau, M Danisch, E Orsini, M Sozio
2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW …, 2016
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Articles 1–20