Katharina Michaelowa
Cited by
Cited by
Primary education quality in francophone Sub-Saharan Africa: Determinants of learning achievement and efficiency considerations
K Michaelowa
World Development 29 (10), 1699-1716, 2001
The cost, satisfaction, and achievement of primary education-Evidence from Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa
K Michaelowa, E Wittmann
The Journal of Developing Areas, 51-78, 2007
Chapter 18 aid effectiveness in the education sector: A dynamic panel analysis
K Michaelowa, A Weber
Theory and practice of foreign aid, 357-385, 2006
Making aid work for education in developing countries: An analysis of aid effectiveness for primary education coverage and quality
K Birchler, K Michaelowa
International Journal of Educational Development 48, 37-52, 2016
Coding error or statistical embellishment? The political economy of reporting climate aid
A Michaelowa, K Michaelowa
World Development 39 (11), 2010-2020, 2011
Climate or development: Is ODA diverted from its original purpose?
A Michaelowa, K Michaelowa
Climatic change 84 (1), 5-21, 2007
Returns to education in low income countries: Evidence for Africa
K Michaelowa
University of Zurich, 2000
Shopping for development: Multilateral lending, shareholder composition and borrower preferences
C Humphrey, K Michaelowa
World Development 44, 142-155, 2013
Aid fragmentation and effectiveness: what do we really know?
K Gehring, K Michaelowa, A Dreher, F Spörri
World Development 99, 320-334, 2017
Transnational climate governance initiatives: designed for effective climate change mitigation?
K Michaelowa, A Michaelowa
The Comparative Politics of Transnational Climate Governance, 146-178, 2019
China in Africa: Competition for traditional development finance institutions?
C Humphrey, K Michaelowa
World Development 120, 15-28, 2019
India as an emerging power in international climate negotiations
K Michaelowa, A Michaelowa
Climate Policy 12 (5), 575-590, 2012
The effectiveness of inputs in primary education: insights from recent student surveys for Sub-Saharan Africa
S Fehrler, K Michaelowa, A Wechtler
The Journal of Development Studies 45 (9), 1545-1578, 2009
Teacher shortages, teacher contracts and their effect on education in Africa
J Bourdon, M Frölich, K Michaelowa
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 173 …, 2010
Neue Entwicklungsökonomik
R Durth, H Körner, K Michaelowa
Lucius & Lucius, 2002
The rise of multi-bi aid and the proliferation of trust funds
B Reinsberg, K Michaelowa, VZ Eichenauer
Handbook on the economics of foreign aid, 527-554, 2015
The political economy of US aid to Pakistan
M Anwar, K Michaelowa
Review of Development Economics 10 (2), 195-209, 2006
Aid effectiveness in primary, secondary and tertiary education
K Michaelowa, A Weber
Background paper prepared for the Education for All Monitoring Report, 2008
Climate business for poverty reduction? The role of the World Bank
A Michaelowa, K Michaelowa
The Review of International Organizations 6, 259-286, 2011
Constructed peer groups and path dependence in international organizations: The case of the international climate change negotiations
P Castro, L Hörnlein, K Michaelowa
Global Environmental Change 25, 109-120, 2014
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Articles 1–20