Matthew R Jordan
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Cited by
Are empathy and concern psychologically distinct?
MR Jordan, D Amir, P Bloom
Emotion 16 (8), 1107, 2016
An uncertainty management perspective on long-run impacts of adversity: The influence of childhood socioeconomic status on risk, time, and social preferences
D Amir, MR Jordan, DG Rand
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 79, 217-226, 2018
Feasibility of distributing rapid diagnostic tests for malaria in the retail sector: evidence from an implementation study in Uganda
J Cohen, G Fink, K Berg, F Aber, M Jordan, K Maloney, W Dickens
PloS one 7 (11), e48296, 2012
Intrinsic default mode network connectivity predicts spontaneous verbal descriptions of autobiographical memories during social processing
XF Yang, J Bossmann, B Schiffhauer, M Jordan, MH Immordino-Yang
Frontiers in psychology 3, 592, 2013
A longitudinal assessment of associations between adolescent environment, adversity perception, and economic status on fertility and age of menarche
D Amir, MR Jordan, RG Bribiescas
PLoS One 11 (6), e0155883, 2016
No unique effect of intergroup competition on cooperation: non-competitive thresholds are as effective as competitions between groups for increasing human cooperative behavior
MR Jordan, JJ Jordan, DG Rand
Evolution and Human Behavior 38 (1), 102-108, 2017
Introducing rapid diagnostic tests for malaria to drug shops in Uganda: a cluster-randomized controlled trial
J Cohen, G Fink, K Maloney, K Berg, M Jordan, T Svoronos, F Aber, ...
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 93, 142-151, 2015
Access to subsidized ACT and malaria treatment—evidence from the first year of the AMFm program in six districts in Uganda
G Fink, WT Dickens, M Jordan, JL Cohen
Health policy and planning 29 (4), 517-527, 2014
The developmental origins of risk and time preferences across diverse societies.
D Amir, MR Jordan, K McAuliffe, CR Valeggia, LS Sugiyama, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 149 (4), 650, 2020
The role of character strengths in economic decision-making
MR Jordan, DG Rand
Judgment and decision making 13 (4), 382-392, 2018
Characterizing empathy and compassion using computational linguistic analysis.
DB Yaden, S Giorgi, M Jordan, A Buffone, JC Eichstaedt, HA Schwartz, ...
Emotion, 2023
The behavioral constellation of deprivation may be best understood as risk management
D Amir, MR Jordan
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2017
The evolution and development of peak–end effects for past and prospective experiences.
LC Egan Brad, VR Lakshminarayanan, MR Jordan, WC Phillips, ...
Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics 9 (1), 1, 2016
Common knowledge promotes cooperation in the threshold public goods game by reducing uncertainty
P Deutchman, D Amir, MR Jordan, K McAuliffe
Evolution and Human Behavior 43 (2), 155-167, 2022
Corporate insecthood
N Strohminger, MR Jordan
Cognition 224, 105068, 2022
Cultural evolution need not imply group selection
D Amir, MR Jordan, DG Rand
Behavioral and brain sciences 39, 2016
Distinct correlates of empathy and compassion with burnout and affective symptoms in health professionals and students
A Romani-Sponchiado, MR Jordan, A Stringaris, GA Salum
Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry 43, 186-188, 2020
Discounts Shift the Demand Curve for Life-Saving Medications
M Jordan, B Klein Teeselink, N Adolph, S Frederick
Discounts Shift the Demand Curve for Life-Saving Medications: Jordan …, 2020
Perspective taking failures in the valuation of mind and body.
MR Jordan, T Gebert, CE Looser
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 148 (3), 407, 2019
The emergence of cooperative behaviors, norms, and strategies across five diverse societies
D Amir, R Ahl, M Jordan, H Bolotin, M Bogese, GT González, T Callaghan, ...
OSF, 2024
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Articles 1–20