Joe Kerkvliet
Joe Kerkvliet
Professor Emeritus, Oregon State University and Senior Economist, Conservation Economics Institute
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Productivity growth and environmental regulation in Mexican and US food manufacturing
E Alpay, J Kerkvliet, S Buccola
American journal of agricultural economics 84 (4), 887-901, 2002
Academic honesty and online courses
TC Grijalva, J Kerkvliet, C Nowell
College Student Journal 40 (1), 2006
Can we control cheating in the classroom?
J Kerkvliet, CL Sigmund
The Journal of Economic Education 30 (4), 331-343, 1999
Cheating by economics students: A comparison of survey results
J Kerkvliet
The Journal of Economic Education 25 (2), 121-133, 1994
Examining the role of social isolation on stated preferences
JA List, RP Berrens, AK Bohara, J Kerkvliet
American Economic Review 94 (3), 741-752, 2004
A criterion validity test of the contingent valuation method: comparing hypothetical and actual voting behavior for a public referendum
CA Vossler, J Kerkvliet
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 45 (3), 631-649, 2003
Externally validating contingent valuation: an open-space survey and referendum in Corvallis, Oregon
CA Vossler, J Kerkvliet, S Polasky, O Gainutdinova
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 51 (2), 261-277, 2003
Efficiency and vertical integration: the case of mine-mouth electric generating plants
J Kerkvliet
The journal of industrial economics, 467-482, 1991
Endangered species conservation on private land: Assessing the effectiveness of habitat conservation plans
C Langpap, J Kerkvliet
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 64 (1), 1-15, 2012
The hedging of an uncertain future foreign currency cash flow
J Kerkvliet, MH Moffett
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 26 (4), 565-578, 1991
A randomized response approach to dichotomous choice contingent valuation
RP Berrens, AK Bohara, J Kerkvliet
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79 (1), 252-266, 1997
Local employment growth, migration, and public land policy: evidence from the Northwest Forest Plan
H Eichman, GL Hunt, J Kerkvliet, AJ Plantinga
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 316-333, 2010
Does one size fit all? University differences in the influence of wages, financial aid, and integration on student retention
J Kerkvliet, C Nowell
Economics of Education Review 24 (1), 85-95, 2005
Addressing negative willingness to pay in dichotomous choice contingent valuation
AK Bohara, J Kerkvliet, RP Berrens
Environmental and Resource Economics 20, 173-195, 2001
Tools for recreation management in parks: the case of the greater Yellowstone’s blue-ribbon fishery
J Kerkvliet, C Nowell
Ecological Economics 34 (1), 89-100, 2000
Public values for biodiversity conservation policies in the Oregon Coast Range
B Garber-Yonts, J Kerkvliet, R Johnson
Forest Science 50 (5), 589-602, 2004
Estimating a logit model with randomized data: the case of cocaine use
J Kerkvliet
Australian Journal of Statistics 36 (1), 9-20, 1994
Dual measures of monopoly and monopsony power: An application to regulated electric utilities
SE Atkinson, J Kerkvliet
The Review of Economics and Statistics, 250-257, 1989
Learning from endangered and threatened species recovery programs: A case study using US Endangered Species Act recovery scores
J Kerkvliet, C Langpap
Ecological Economics 63 (2-3), 499-510, 2007
Measuring the multilateral allocation of rents: Wyoming low-sulfur coal
SE Atkinson, J Kerkvliet
The Rand Journal of Economics, 416-430, 1986
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