Feiran Wang
Feiran Wang
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Gemini: a family of highly capable multimodal models
G Team, R Anil, S Borgeaud, JB Alayrac, J Yu, R Soricut, J Schalkwyk, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.11805, 2023
Incremental knowledge base construction using deepdive
J Shin, S Wu, F Wang, C De Sa, C Zhang, C Ré
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment International Conference on Very Large …, 2015
Joint scheduling and resource allocation for device-to-device underlay communication
F Wang, L Song, Z Han, Q Zhao, X Wang
2013 IEEE wireless communications and networking conference (WCNC), 134-139, 2013
Energy-efficient resource allocation for device-to-device underlay communication
F Wang, C Xu, L Song, Z Han
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 14 (4), 2082-2092, 2014
Energy-aware resource allocation for device-to-device underlay communication
F Wang, C Xu, L Song, Q Zhao, X Wang, Z Han
2013 IEEE international conference on communications (ICC), 6076-6080, 2013
Deepdive: Declarative knowledge base construction
C De Sa, A Ratner, C Ré, J Shin, F Wang, S Wu, C Zhang
ACM SIGMOD Record 45 (1), 60-67, 2016
Classifying non-small cell lung cancer types and transcriptomic subtypes using convolutional neural networks
KH Yu, F Wang, GJ Berry, C Re, RB Altman, M Snyder, IS Kohane
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 27 (5), 757-769, 2020
DeepDive: Declarative knowledge base construction
C Zhang, C Ré, M Cafarella, C De Sa, A Ratner, J Shin, F Wang, S Wu
Communications of the ACM 60 (5), 93-102, 2017
Energy-efficient radio resource and power allocation for device-to-device communication underlaying cellular networks
F Wang, C Xu, L Song, Z Han, B Zhang
2012 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal …, 2012
Feature engineering for knowledge base construction
C Ré, AA Sadeghian, Z Shan, J Shin, F Wang, S Wu, C Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.6439, 2014
Deciphering serous ovarian carcinoma histopathology and platinum response by convolutional neural networks
KH Yu, V Hu, F Wang, UA Matulonis, GL Mutter, JA Golden, IS Kohane
BMC medicine 18, 1-14, 2020
Incremental knowledge base construction using DeepDive
C De Sa, A Ratner, C Ré, J Shin, F Wang, S Wu, C Zhang
The VLDB Journal 26, 81-105, 2017
Self-programming networks: Architecture and algorithms
Y Geng, S Liu, F Wang, Z Yin, B Prabhakar, M Rosenblum
2017 55th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2017
Zhang С, Re С.(2015). Incremental Knowledge Base Construction Using DeepDive
J Shin, S Wu, F Wang, C De Sa
41 th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) 8 (11), 0
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Articles 1–14