Top publications
h5-index is the h-index for articles published in the last 5 complete years. It is the largest number h such that h articles published in 2019-2023 have at least h citations each.hide
h5-median for a publication is the median number of citations for the articles that make up its h5-index.hide
1.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering95117
2.Marine and Petroleum Geology6992
3.Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering6386
4.Petroleum Exploration and Development62102
5.SPE Journal5062
6.Petroleum Science4965
7.Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology4664
8.Natural Gas Industry B4055
9.American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin3849
10.Advances in Geo-Energy Research3654
12.SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering3453
13.Energy Exploration & Exploitation3249
14.Egyptian Journal of Petroleum2845
15.Petroleum Science and Technology2733
16.Petroleum Geology and Recovery Efficiency2635
17.Energy Geoscience2541
18.Petroleum Research2438
19.SPE Drilling & Completion2333
20.Oil & Gas Science and Technology–Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles2331
Dates and citation counts are estimated and are determined automatically by a computer program.