Top publications
h5-index is the h-index for articles published in the last 5 complete years. It is the largest number h such that h articles published in 2019-2023 have at least h citations each.hide
h5-median for a publication is the median number of citations for the articles that make up its h5-index.hide
1.Annals of Surgery125175
2.JAMA Surgery95142
3.Journal of Vascular Surgery73104
4.British Journal of Surgery71101
5.Surgical Endoscopy7096
6.Annals of Surgical Oncology6981
7.International Journal of Surgery (London, England)6095
8.Obesity Surgery6078
10.Journal of the American College of Surgeons5579
11.European Journal of Surgical Oncology5469
12.Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery5373
13.Annals of Medicine and Surgery5276
14.Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery5264
15.World Journal of Emergency Surgery5090
16.Journal of Surgical Education5077
17.Digestive Endoscopy5069
18.Journal of Surgical Research5065
19.The American Journal of Surgery4970
20.European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery4959
Dates and citation counts are estimated and are determined automatically by a computer program.